20 - Easier to Write

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"Well, lassie, you got lucky!" Óin said, rising his eyebrows as he gazed at Rurín. Thorín grunted and his entire regal act disappeared as he rolled his eyes at the healer.

"She can't walk!" Thorín shouted. "Explain to me, how that is lucky?"

Rurín crossed her arms around her torso, slumping even further into herself and keeping her head down. Oh... Thorín is livid. There is anger, there is furious but then there is that anger that can not be quelled by any means, and right now, her big brother was so pissed she actually worried for Kurdîs.

Which Rurín still can't understand why the dam attacked her. She just met her last night! Then said she had a claim on Dwalín. He... he wouldn't treat Rurín the way he did if he didn't have feelings for her? He didn't seem like the type of Dwarf to fuck with people's feelings just for fun.

Rurín kept thinking about everything from the conversations to the caresses of their fingers... to the way he held her in his arms... even last night. When they danced it couldn't have been just her who felt that pull? He pushed her against the door, for Mahal's sake! He talked as if he wanted her!

Then... then...

"Lass?" Óin waved his hand in front of her face making her jump in surprise.

"What?" She asked. He clicked his tongue.

"Stay off your leg! Back on the crutches! A MONTH!"

"A month!" Rurín exclaimed.

"Aye! Stay off the leg, no training! No jig hoppin! No heavy dancing! No horseback riding!--" He gave her a very stern glare when she opened her mouth to protest. "I know you were riding your horse while healing the first time! No more!"

She clamped her mouth shut and crossed her arms tighter.

"Stop pouting." Óin flicked her in the forehead making her yelp.

"!" She smacked his hand away, glaring at him. Thorín grinned at her.

"And keep those stitches dry!" Óin flicked her again.

"Yes, Ma lord..."

"No, sassing me either!"

"Let's go, nain'ith," Thorín chuckled, picking her back off the table. Óin handed her another bag of tea for the pain and opened the door for them.

"Where to brother dearest?" She clung around his neck. He gave her a majestic head tilt and rose an eyebrow.

"My study."

"Baw!" She threw her head back groaning. (noooo!)

"Avo vuio." He smirked at her. (Stop whining) "We are going to get to the bottom of this and Kurdîs will be punished."


"Wait!" Rurín called out. "Just wait a moment!"

Everyone looked at her. She took a deep breath trying so hard not to roll her eyes. "Let me make sure I got this correctly. Kallîs, father Kurdân helped Lord Hafkîa, frame his servant for theft against the lower class who happens to be Hafdís father, Kallîs, best friend?"

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