33 - Little Sunshine

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Rurín stretched her hands over her head yawning with a cracking back as she ambled out of Orí's room pulling on one of Kíli's sweaters he left laying around in her room that she brought with her.

"Ah! Here comes the sleepyhead!" Bofur joyously greeted her, making her freeze and look up at the company that was in Dorí's kitchen. "We thought ya would never wake."

"The sun isn't even up," She blinked at her and rubbed her face before collapsing in a chair beside Dwalín who was stuffing his face full of bacon and sausages.

"Precisely! Tis already so late!" Bofur slung an arm around her shoulders as Dorí sat a plate of scrambled eggs and spinach in front of her.

"Here you go, Lass," Dorí said kindly and then swatted at Bofur. "Let the girl eat her food!"

"Would you like some more, my lady?" Kafdân asked her. He was packing some of the breakfast foods up in paper.

"Oh no..." Rurín shook her head. "Thank you, though."

"Ya should eat more," Dwalín grumbled. "Yer gonna end up lookin' like an elf."

Rurín laughed heartedly at that. She smiled at her dwarf. He winked at her as Bofur faked wretched.

"Stop it, Bof!" Orí smacked her in the arm.

"I am only playin' around," She took a big bite out of one of her last sausages and looked around the room. "We should be heading out soon, however."

"Aye," Dwalín stood up and wiped his mouth before kissing the top of Rurín's head and squeezing her shoulder. "I'll go get Killer and Raín tacked and ready to go. Come on, Bofur. Help me with the other ponies."

Rurín tucked into her food. Feeling positively proud of herself that Thorín finally agreed to let her go out with the Caravans to the Neighboring villages. She and Balín would be going from door to door, asking if anyone needed a healer while Dwalín and the others traded with the men. Fíli and Kíli wanted to come with but Dís was adamant they stay home and rest from being gone for a few months.

She was also pleased that Thorín was fine with her and Dwalín. He had kissed her head and held her tight in his arms wishing her nothing but joy for all her days. Rurín had been worried that he truly wasn't all that fond of the idea of his best friend with his little sister but apparently he was. He even begged her for forgiveness once more for his harsh words and she had forgiven him completely when he told her she would be leaving in two days' time to work as hired Healer for the Caravan.

Oh, this was so exciting! She was going to be finally pulling her weight! Proving to everyone and herself that she was useful!

Though she wasn't all that excited when it came to the patrols in Rivendell... She shuddered just thinking about how difficult that was. Her blades might have gotten some kick-ass names; geldring and bowlering. She was speed, she was lightning and her swords slashed into groins slicing off privates... It was disgusting yet, she was proud of herself for withstanding. sterilizing master... Indeed.

Her gaze drifted over the chiseled script in both elvish and dwarven runes that Nàrdir had done for her. She hadn't faced down an orc in so long... She hoped she hadn't gotten too rusty even if there were no orcs on this side of Arda. Bandits yes... Orcs no.


The first day of travel was chilly but enjoyable. There was a lot of joking and laughter. Rurín brought her lute and played for them atop of Raín, singing bawdy songs with Bofur causing Balín to gape at the two of them with wide eyes. Dwalín clapped for them, barking in laughter with Kafdân. When it came time to make camp, Rurín and Kafdân went and hunted and Dwalín cleaned the spoils. Rurín and Bofur worked together to make stew and Balín took their first watch.

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