eighty | won't let anything happen

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     WORKING WITH BARRACUDA MIKE wasn't something that Carson ever expected to be doing but there they were

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WORKING WITH BARRACUDA MIKE wasn't something that Carson ever expected to be doing but there they were. Of course when JJ was involved there often was questionable plans of action, but they also allowed him to take control so it was partly on them for whatever would end up happening.

"I don't know about this," John B said truthfully.

"Bro, you're worrying way too much about this, okay?" JJ tried to reassure him.

"Mm, I would debatably say this is the correct amount of worrying for this situation," Carson said.

"It is just farmers who brought organic seeds from South America that we are gonna unload," JJ said.

"Yeah, why don't you just call it what it is? It's a drug-smuggling operation," John B said.

"Look it on the bright side. We can add this to the embarrassingly long list of dumb shit we've done," Carson joked in an attempt to lighten the mood. JJ pointed at her in agreement before turning back to John B.

"Exactly. Besides, do you wanna get your dad or not?" he reminded him.

"Yes, I do! Okay? Look, this has to work out, alright? I doubted him and I blamed him. And all this time, he was just trying to protect me. And now he's been abducted," John B said. It was clear he was starting to reach a point of desperation and Carson couldn't blame him. If it was her mom that had been taken she was sure she would have agreed to do whatever to get her back. It was hard when they only had one parent left that actually cared. It made her curious what JJ would be doing if it was his dad in this situation. There was no doubt that Luke was an asshole and didn't deserve anything from JJ, but she knew that deep down JJ still felt an obligation to him.

"John B, no. Okay, listen, listen. I know. You know who you're gonna have to trust right now? Papa J. Or to Carson, Daddy J," he said. Carson shook her head to try to seem not amused by that, but she couldn't help the amused smile from coming out. She found his humor to be slightly annoying and not helpful at times that they needed to be serious, but she couldn't deny that he was hilarious. It was part of his JJ charm.

"Holy shit, look at that thing," John B commented when they approached the plane that Barracuda Mike had told them about.

"Yeah, dude. It's like an RV with wings," JJ said.

"Uh, that U-Haul already seems kinda full, doesn't it?" Carson pointed out.

"Shit, they're already unloading," John B realized.

"Yo! We aren't late, are we?" JJ called out.

"No, there was a change of plan though," Mike said. He was leaned up casually against the truck as if it wasn't just full of drugs. He walked forward and pressed a key against JJ's chest. "You three are gonna drive the truck up to Elizabeth City to make the drop. The address is in the truck. There'll be a dummy car for you to use to come back. The plane'll still be waiting."

"Right. Okay, so, um, you just want us to drive the truck?" JJ asked.

"Correct." JJ was about to reluctantly take the key when John B stepped in.

"Actually, can I borrow him for one second?" he said. The three stepped a bit away from Mike to talk about the new plan. "Hey, this is not what we talked about. This is way more dangerous."

"It don't matter what we talked about. You in for a penny, you in for a pound. You do this, you get your ride," Mike cut in. "If not, you know this works, right? Now, Highway Patrol is changing shifts as we speak. This is the window. Take it to the drop house on Prospect. Directions are in the truck. Any luck, we'll have you back before sundown. Come on, take the key." JJ pulled down the back of the truck to shut it closed, and Carson rushed forward to grab his arm before he could step in.

"Are you sure about this?" she said quietly. "This could go really wrong, you know." He paused for a moment as if he were considering her words before he apparently decided they had no choice.

"Do you trust me?" he asked.

"I mean-"

"Car," he said. He knew she was planning to respond with some sarcastic comment but they didn't have time for that. "I won't let anything happen to you, okay?" If this was going to happen he needed to know that she was on board with it. Carson could see the look of seriousness in his eyes so she shut her mouth before nodding her head. He nodded his head in return before opening the truck door for her.

"Do you have any idea what's in the back of this truck?" John B finally said as they headed onto the road and on their way to the drop house.

"Yes, John B, I know what's in the back of the truck right now. And it's gonna be fine. It's gonna work out, okay?" JJ said.

"I am sick of your bullshit plans, man! I'm just saying this might actually top the time you told me to fake appendicitis in jail."

"Yeah, and that almost worked!" JJ said.

"Can we just all shut up and focus on getting this truck there safely so we can get our ride?" Carson said. It was inevitable that they were going to argue throughout this trip but she was going to try to maintain some kind of sanity amongst the three of them.

"Cop, JJ," John B said. "JJ, there is a cop. Okay, play it cool."

"I'm super cool. You're not cool," JJ said. They started to argue again but it just escalated when JJ raised his hand to greet the officer and John B leaned over Carson to grab his hand to pull it down. The move made JJ swerve off the road a bit, which if anything was going to raise suspicions it was that. "Why'd you touch me?"

"Don't wave at cops!" John B yelled. "Rule number one of driving a U-Haul!"

"Actually, I think rule number one is staying on the damn road!" Carson said. She was desperately hoping the cop would just let it go but of course not. The sound of sirens made her grip the seat, which ended up being a good thing as JJ made a sharp turn into the woods so they could abandon the truck.

"Dude, I swear to God if we get through this, I'm gonna kill you," John B informed him.

"You probably won't have to because Barracuda Mike is gonna kill us first."

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