At breakfast Hanna asked me all about the date she thought went home with me after the party. I told her all about it. About his pushy behaviour and the kick in the nuts, which Hanna absolutely loved. I didn't tell my best friend about the man in the shadows, about his golden eyes and almost golden hair. She would probably think I had drunk too much and was hallucinating... If roles were reversed, I would think the same thing. But still I knew, I knew that he wasn't a hallucination, it was real. It was probably just some crazy contact lenses but something about the way he looked at me, made me believe it was something else.

After breakfast Hanna convinced me to join her for a little shopping spree, so I indulged. I could never say no to my best friend. When we ended up in a make-up shop, we were both leaning forward in the mirror as we put on lipstick.

Hanna was taller than me, her legs looked like they went on for miles. She had long brown hair that almost reached her bum, her hazel eyes looked at me through the mirror, shooting me a wink. Her eyebrows were perfectly shaped, so was her nose. The only thing that didn't fit in the perfect picture was one, single crooked tooth. And although Hanna had self-esteem issues about it, it was barely noticeable. Because even when she smiled, showing off her teeth, her smile was so radiant, and her face was so sweet and beautiful, nobody even noticed it.

Then there was me. I was almost the opposite of Hanna. I had sandy brown hair with turquoise eyes. Hanna always said my eyes reminded her of the Mediterranean Sea. I had a round face with one dimple in my cheek when I smiled. I was about ten centimetres shorter than Hanna, which didn't mean I was short, since Hanna was tall enough to be a model. And skinny, Hanna was definitely skinny enough. I had more curves. With wide hips, a heavy chest and a tummy I could never completely get rid of, no matter how hard I tried. But my legs were slim and lean and with the right clothes they looked like they went on and on, just like Hanna's.

Our personalities were different too. I think if we would have met now, in our twenties, we would have never become friends. But since we knew each other since we were like ten years old, we accepted each other's differences.
Hanna was well liked, outgoing, going out all night and work the next day without a lick of sleep. She would go on dates, and not so much as dates but hook-ups whenever she pleases.

I wasn't a recluse or something like that. But I loved my quiet nights in my flat, reading or binge watching a show on Netflix. I would go work out or go to my judo lesson twice a week. I would go out with Hanna a few times a month, but never too late or too crazy. Yesterday was my birthday, so Hannah decided to throw me a birthday party. It was one of the first dates I went on since my engagement ended. And well yeah, that didn't end well.

After the little shopping spree, we went to Hanna's flat to binge watch the rest of The Sandman since it was my day off. After finishing the show, Hanna got dressed for her job at the club where she bar-tended. I walked her to the club, since it was on my way home.

When I came back, the envelop still lay on my dinner table

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When I came back, the envelop still lay on my dinner table. I dropped my bags on the floor when the door closed behind me with a click and marched over. Plucking the letter from the table and without hesitation, tore it open. The parchment inside of it, made me think about the Harry Potter movies. Where they use a quill and parchment to write letters or their homework. Who in the world makes letters like this? But it wasn't a letter, not really. It was an invitation.

The Court of Sins formally invites you to The Chosen Ball.
The grand fete will take place in the Throne Room in Ferri
June 20th at 00:00

The honour of your presence is requested.

Burn this letter in the light of a flame to ensure us of your attendance.

I flipped the parchment around and back but there was nothing more. No address, no name, nor dress code. What the fuck was going on? I didn't recognise the handwriting or the seal that was used to close the envelope. It was an actual wax seal, and it was rather remarkable. I placed my foot on the lever of the bin to throw away the letter but stopped just before my fingers let go. There was something about this letter that made me drawn to it. With a sigh, I removed my foot and the bin closed slowly. I put the letter back on the table on top of the ripped envelope and went for a long hot shower. Once dressed in satin pyjama shorts and top, I flopped in front of the tv and put on some random show. As the hours ticked by, my head kept snapping back to the letter behind me. When it was a few minutes before midnight, I stuffed my phone in my pocket and picked up the letter again.

"This is crazy." I muttered before I took a lighter and set the parchment on fire. It was a sleek and fast swish of fire before it was gone. Now nothing was left of the weird and unannounced invitation. I waited, hearing the clock tick behind me, but nothing happened. "No, I'm going crazy." I muttered again, but when I turned around to head to bed, I wasn't standing in my flat. I was standing in a dark room full of dresses

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