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Chapter 74

Anna touched the pendant that was now hanged around her neck, exquisitely. The warmth of her mother's love and care could be felt to her. Only if she would be here to guide her through this Chaos in her life.

"Miss Anna, there's someone who wants to see you"

The nurse pulled her out of her thoughts as she looked up. It was now morning and she'll be discharged by the evening. Everything was already done, now that she just had to get a normal checkup before getting back to her home.

"Umm who?"

"He tells his name to be Ash Brookes." Anna's eyes twitched in surprise but she nodded not minding further. As the nurse left, the guy was now standing in front of Anna with expressions that were just hard to identify.

"How are you professor?" The man asked with a gentle smile as he walked further before taking a seat on the stool next to Anna's.

"I'm fine, Ash" she replied still in surprise to find her student visiting her on hospital where she's been admitted to.

"I heard about your accident last night. I couldn't make it last night because of some work. I hope you're doing good and have a healthy recovery" Ash spoke the slightest hint of apology in his tone didn't missed by Anna, she smiled.

"Definitely, I am. Thank you for that, Ash"

"Well, he didn't knew about it. I'm the one who told him" soon, another male was followed inside that was a bit familiar to Anna.

Both Anna and Ash turned their heads in the door's direction to find  Adam, whom Noel introduced her with and Noel were walking inside. Anna was surprised to find him but it was obvious that he got to know it through Noel.

"Umm you?"

"I heard about the accident. So I thought to pay a visit to you, Miss Anna" Adam replied with a gracious smile. Anna looked in Noel's direction only to find him giving her a relaxed eye nod through his eyes. She felt her muscles relaxing as her brother was already present there by her side.

"He's my brother, Anna. My younger brother," Adam chuckled softly before staring at Ash who looked as boring as always, sighed.

"Oh? I never knew you're Adam's brother Ash"

"Obviously you wouldn't. I never told you" he shrugged.

"Only if I knew that the new professor he was talkin' about were you, i would taught him to be more respectful and studious especially to you," Adam chuckled.

"No, you don't have to. Ash is actually pretty good in studies." Anna replied before looking at Ash.

"Oh well yes, i can't agree on that. I'm proud to have brother like him" Adam chuckled and Ash sighed before facing Anna.

"Alright professor, please take a full rest a be healthy before returning to college." Ash wished as Anna nodded before the brothers did a small chit chat with Noel and left for their way. Noel who was now standing in front of her, sighed.

"Adam is quite close to you, brother. Your friend." Noel snorted before taking a seat beside her.

"He's a good acquaintance. You know not everybody is close to me. Though, i can trust him with work, that what makes him a casual friend. He's harmless personality" Noel replied.

"I see." Anna nodded as the duo continues to discuss about the diets and schedule before Noel took Anna for checkup sessions.


The evening went by and Noel took Anna back to his house. Natalie was out for her shoots but she left a warning welcome flower bouquet for Anna's homecoming before leaving for her work.

The servants were on a tight schedule in the mansion for Anna's homecoming. Noel talked to them all to not to let Anna leave the house or do any work. They should be present before her anyhow.

After a pleasant dinner with her brother, Anna was back to her room. As she was sitting in her bed reading a book, she again felt as if someone is watching her keenly. The goosebumps could be felt in her body.

She took a sharp breath before looking up to the blowing curtains of the window. The weather was chilly, clouds were gathered all above, felt as if there's going to be rain tonight. Anna sighed before getting up.

She closed the opened window from where the chilly wind was coming to her bedroom. walking back to her bed, she nibbled in her lower lip. It's been three days since she has heard anything about Ivan. It was literally making her anxious when she didn't got any news related to him. Moreover, she doesn't even know where the man is right now.

Though she was the one who desired the peace and separation from him but now when her wish is finally fulfilled, it was irking her. She just wants nothing more but to hear something about her 'husband'

Since the accident, she hasn't seen Ivan. She was the happiest person inside when Ivan cleared the misunderstanding between them that there was nothing between him and the model, Venessa Dews.

But still it wasn't enough for them to begin again. Ivan has done so much more. He has committed a sin. Even though as much as she doesn't want it to be true but Ivan is the sole reason for tragedy that has snatched their child from them. And it still pains her to think how can he do this to them.


Anna was engulfed deep in her thoughts. The tea that was placed on the table beside her was now turned cold, she didn't drink. Her mind was way too much consumed in various thoughts when she heard her name being called.

"Ma'am Anna," she heard her name being called. Turning around she was met by one of the servants. She nodded.

"Yes?" She asked softly.

"Umm... Two people are here to visit you" The servant told her. Anna was a bit confused but didn't mind. Nodding, she asked the servant to lead her to living room.

"Here they are."

Anna looked in the other side only to see the ones she didn't expected to be standing there in front of her. Moreover, she was perplexed to see that her in-laws paid a visit to her.

"Ummm you-"

"Long time, Anna," Her dear father in law said with softness in his tone as he smiled delightful looking at her.


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