Part 58

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IT WAS NIGHTFALL. The walkers remained outside, walking around. We waited and waited, hoping they'd eventually walk away and leave on their own, or maybe somebody would draw them out. 

I remained on the couch, in nothing but constant pain. It was hard trying to get relaxed, hard to try and get some sleep. I wanted to sleep, but with the pain, the constant fear and preparation of possibly having to run from walkers was on my mind.

"We gotta figure something out, right?" Harley asks. 

"We can't." Rosita shakes her head. "Not with Mer in this state." She sighs out.

"I'll be fine." I huff out. A distant gunshot rings our alarms. We all pull ourselves up and get to the nearest window. Rosita pulls the blinds back and peaks outside.

"See anything?" I ask her. Her brows pull together.

"It's Rick and Michonne." She says. 

"What's happening?" Harley asks.

"Their..." Rosita turns. "Their running for the infirmary. It's Carl." She turns back to me. 

"What? Is he bit?" Harley questions. I look down, shaking my head.

"No, he's not." I pull away and walk to the medicine cabinet. I quickly swallow two pain reliever and fever reducer pills. From the gunshot heard a few moments ago, with the way Rick and Michonne are running, Carl's hurt and I'm sure he's badly injured.

"Wait, wait, wait." Rosita calls as I began to gather a few things. "You're seriously not planning to go out there, are you?" She questions.

"Rick needs my help. When he gets to the infirmary and sees that I'm not there and only Denise, there's little to no chance she'll be able to save him. I have to do this." I nod.

"Mom, you're-"

"We're not arguing about this." I call. "Miscarriage or not, I'm doing this." I nod. I walk over to the door and paused. "Stay here if you want, alright? Just...keep each other safe." I turn to the door and grab the handle.

"No." Rosita calls, grabbing my wrist. "We're going together. You could be weak, I know you're exhausted and I know you're in a lot of pain. So I'm going with you. Harley, are you up for this?"

"Hell yeah." He nods. We all prepare ourselves. I finally open the door and we began making a run for the infirmary. We pushed and shoved and took out all the walkers that got in our way. Without anything going bad, we were able to make it to the infirmary.

I trample over to the gurney and look down at Carl. His face was completely covered in blood. His right eye was blown out of it's socket. Putting two and two together, the gunshot we heard, it had to have been Carl getting shot. 

"I need bandages. Top shelf, next to the sink. Two IVs from the fridge and all the clean towels you can find." I demand. "This is a gunshot?" I question Rick.

"Handgun. Close range." Michonne answers. Rick grabs my hands tightly in his.

"Please save him." He utters.

"I did it before, and I'm gonna do it again." I nodded. I turn my hands for the wires, hooking up Carl with them to check his vitals. "Denise, hook that IV in." I point at her. I grab the hand sanitizer and drenched my hands in the liquid, shaking the access off. I grab a gauze pad and tore it open, putting pressure on Carl's eye to slow the bleeding. 

"Michonne, put pressure on it. I need to go in and sew up any lacerations." Michonne turns to me, replacing my hands. I run over to the cabinet and pull out a suture kit. 

The End of a New Beginning // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now