Part 2

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I WATCHED AFTER Meredith tracking after the deer I had scared off. She was really trying to get that deer from what I could tell. From the looks of it, she's probably thinking she's paying back the dept of us for taking her in. Sure, we'll have to ration the portions better now that we've got an extra mouth to feed and all, but she doesn't need to know that. Nobody wants to tell her. Still, it's nice to know she's considerate of other people.

Merle went off with Glenn to the city for supplies. I told Merle going into the city was a horrible idea, knowing how much of a red zone that place is. I tried talking him into hunting with me, but he refused. Said some shit about wanting to get out of the camp space for a while. He coulda done that by goin hunting with me. Well, it's better he's gone. Maybe he won't try and killing Meredith. I don't get it. Merle's never the type to kill someone unless they tried hurting him or me. Meredith didn't do anything but fall out of the sky and landed on top of me. I knew she didn't mean any harm. I can smell the bullshit from a mile away out of anybody. Why do you think I decided to let her come back to camp with us?

"You know, I'm a pretty good hunter myself." I inform Meredith. She stops in her tracks and looks over her shoulder.

"Your point being?" She asks.

"My point...I can get you that deer." I say. She lets out a small snort.

"Why? So you can take all the glory?" She asks. I frown at her words.

"I don't get it." I shake my head. She lets out a sigh and turns around to face me.

"The women back there, they don't know shit about hunting, defending themselves. I see they carry knives, but I'm sure it's only used to cut the food." She says. "If we go back there with a deer, everybody in that camp is going to think you killed it and I just tagged along for the ride." She says.

"Why does it matter who killed the deer and brought it back?" I ask. "Nobody's gonna give a shit who did it. They're gonna be grateful they're able to eat for the night." I argue. She scoffs at my words.

"Because you people took me in when you didn't need to." She explains. "I'm trying to repay-"

"Don't nobody give a shit about that." I stopped her. "We took ya in, yeah. But that don't mean you gotta pay us back."

"It does." She argues. "Because I know damn sure I won't be sitting around, doing laundry, cooking or watching the kids. Shit like that makes you weak. Something happens, you're gonna want to know how to defend yourself." She says. She turns on her heels and walks away. I will admit that it is badass of her to be able to handle her own. None of the women can't even use a knife properly. It is smart to know how to protect yourself during times like this. Not only against the dead, but for sure against any people. The world may have ended, but that don't mean the human race will join together to survive. Most people change. They're gonna do things they never imagined doing in the past. Even killing people.

"Alright." I speak up, pulling her attention. "I'll help you track it. Once we catch up to it, you make the shot. How's that sound?" I ask her.

"Fine." She nods. She's stubborn that's for damn sure. She's independent. Knows how to watch her own back and all. She's pretty smart. A pain in my ass, but she's manageable I guess. Don't really understand why I'm even bothering with this girl. If it were any other person, I wouldn't exactly care about 'em. Probably wouldn't have cared if Merle killed her. don't think he would. Merle isn't that guy. But...with the world goin' to shit and all, things like that can change a person.

The End of a New Beginning // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now