Part 40

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It was almost time for the sun to be setting. The air was cooling down bit by bit. We were getting closer and closer to Terminus. I was feeling a bit excited. But things weren't gonna go as planned.

"We're close. I'm gonna get you three there." I tell Ty and Harley. "Make sure you're safe." We approached another sign, seeing how close we were. Judith coos in my arms. "But I'm not gonna stay."

"What?" Harley frowns at my words. He lets out a scoff. "If you're not staying, I'm not either."

"You're staying." I tell him.

"Why would you save me just to leave me?" He argues.

"The people there, Rick, the friend I told you? He'll be there. He's great. You're gonna like him. And he'll keep you safe just like I did." I explain to him.

"Meredith." He frowns. I held my hand up, silencing him. We turn our heads and see a walker stepping out of the woods. We noticed a pair of handcuffs dangling from it's wrist. I turn to Ty to take care of it, but he holds his hands out for Judith.

"I can't. Not yet." He shakes his head.

"You're gonna have to be able to." I tell him. I hand Judith to him and I walk over to the walker. I jab my blade into its head. As I try pulling my knife it, it gets stuck and I fall with the walker. I finally yank my knife out, letting out a sigh. I could see movement from the corner of my eyes. I turn my head and see a bigger group of walkers coming our way.

"More." I whisper yell to Ty and Harley. I rush back to the others, picking up my bag and guiding them into the woods. We turn around and hide behind a small canyon of dirt. We watched as the walkers step onto the train tracks and began crossing it. The second they step off, I nodded my head at the boys to get them to move with me. I stood up to guide them away. But we all ducked back down to the sound of gunshots in the distance. The noise seemed to pull interest in the walkers. They all turn their bodies and began walking down the train tracks, heading towards the sounds. The more the gunshots rang, the faster the walkers picked up their pace.

We waited til the last of the walkers disappeared. We finally came out of hiding and stepped back onto the tracks.

"That gunfire, it could have been from Terminus." Tyreese claims. "Someone was attacking them."

"Or they were attacking someone." I say.

"Do we even wanna find out?" Harley asks. I stopped in my tracks and turn to him and Ty, nodding my head.

"Yeah." I answer. "There's another track due east. It'll get us there. We'll be real careful. We're gonna get answers." We veer off into the woods again, making our way towards the tracks. We ended up spotting a house within the trees. There's a car parked outside of it. I knew we could at least stop there and see if there's anything we could find and use it. But once we got closer, we noticed a man just behind the car, kneeling on the ground and working away with what looked like fireworks.

The three of us hide with the bushes, waiting and watching and listening to what was happening.

"10-minute count." A woman's voice was heard over a radio. "You screw up, you're on your own, Martin." The man, presumed to be named Martin grabs the walkie from his waist.

"You don't have to tell me. I wipe my own ass." He calls through the walkie. "Alex didn't get it. See, I knew the chick with the sword was bad news. Bitch looked like a weapon with a weapon." I quickly pull myself from the bushes, pulling out my gun and cocking it as I quickly approached behind the man.

"He was always a sloppy-ass mother." The woman speaks over the radio.

"Yeah, I told Albert I want the kid's hat after they bleed him out." I stuck my gun to the back of his head. He freezes and begins holding his hands up in surrender.

The End of a New Beginning // Daryl DixonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang