06. Bargaining

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"So this is the surprise?" Ash had asked as she looked at the woman in front of her with a raised brow.

Ash was stood in front of a Korean woman, her silk black hair pulled back into a neat braid.

Terry stood at her side, other Korean men surrounding the three.

"One of many." Terry had grinned at the girl before looking to the woman. "Sensei Kim is one of the best senseis in Korea, and she's brought her best men to help with the teachings of Cobra Kai. Our style and her style mixed would give the Cobras an unimaginable boost."

Ash was quiet as she took in this information.

"You must be Ashni Rivera." Kim had said, her arms folded as she examined the teen girl stood in front of her. "I have heard a lot about you, Miss Rivera."

"Can't say likewise." Ash had raised a brow.

Kim smirked as she looked to Terry.

"She has an attitude." Kim had noted with a hum, Terry nodding. "We'll see if she'll still have that snarky attitude when I'm done with her."

"Trust me, I will." Ash had said, folding her arms as well.

Kim clenched her jaw as she stared at the girl.

Ash sensed that this woman was nothing but bad news.

"This is only the first stage of Cobra Kai's development." Terry had spoke up to the two women with a smile. "Commencing to the second stage."

Ash inhaled deeply.


Devon was a strong fighter, perfect potential for Cobra Kai.

For some reason, Ash didn't want to see the young girl end up in Cobra Kai.

But she knew that wasn't something she could control.

Especially since the young girl was here in Topanga dojo.

The Cobra Kai senseis and their All Valley Champ were commencing the next stage of Cobra Kai.

Merging with other dojos.

"That was a fabulous kick, Devon." The sensei of Topanga Karate had said to the girl. "But remember, we're all friends here, so watch that aggression, okay?"

"I thought she fought perfectly." Terry had spoken up to alert everyone of their arrival.

"Terry, so good to see you." The sensei had said with a smile. "Class, gather round, please."

The students in the blue gi had gathered around the Cobra Kais curiously.

"I have a bittersweet announcement to make." The sensei had told his students. " Sensei Terry Silver has made me a very generous offer, and I'm proud to say Topanga Karate is now under new management. We're thrilled to be part of the Cobra Kai family."

Ash inhaled deeply, tilting her chin up as the students looked at them.

"Thank you, Sensei Rosenthal." Terry had spoke up. "I'm sure you're wondering what this means for the future of your dojo. Yes, there will be some changes. All for the better. I hope you don't mind your dues getting cheaper. You'll be given a new sensei. For today, Sensei Kim and Sensei Hyan-woo."

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