03. Unexpected Visitor

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It was the next day and Ash had yet to make up with her mother.

Her mother thankfully wasn't home because she was out looking for a stable job.

Ash had spent most of the day asleep but then decided to explore the town more.

The Valley was pretty in the afternoon.

The streets bustled with pedestrians and citizens in cars.

Ash had found a quaint bookstore not far from the strip mall she had visited the day before.

She entered the bookstore, browsing through the many categories of books.

Suddenly, hands came up to Ash's eyes. "Guess who."

Ash instantly elbowed the person in the ribs causing them to groan.

Clenching her fist, she turned to face the creep.

However, she was met with Ben Moon.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry." Ash had said wide-eyed.

"You sure can pack a punch." Ben had said as he straightened his posture, still holding his side in pain.

"Are you following me around?" Ash had asked, folding her arms as she glanced around.

"I think I should be asking you that." Ben had eyed her. "This has been my comfort place since I was like twelve."

"Oh." Ash had said wide-eyed. "Well I was looking around and decided to come see what books here I can read."

"Read for fun?" Ben had raised a brow.

"Yes, for fun." Ash rolled her eyes with a small smile.

"You don't seem like the type to read books for fun." Ben had noted as his eyes raked her up and down.

Ash laughed, rolling her eyes. "You're a bitch."

Ben chuckled in response to that.

"I have to get going." Ben sighed out as he held up a book in his hand. "I just bought this book and I want to read it asap."

"You're a nerd." Ash said with a small smile, folding her arms.

"And so are you." Ben winked before he walked off.

Ash watched him leave, a distant look in her eyes.

She cleared her throat before she went back to looking at books.


It was late at night and after she came home in the afternoon, Ash went straight to her room and read all the books she had bought.

She was curretly reading 'Pet Sematary' and it was the perfect mood to do so as it was raining cats and dogs outside.

And talking about pets, Miss Mittens was curled up on Ash's lap as she read the book out loud for the cat.

Asb had just got to the part where the main character's daughter had went batshit crazy, coming back from the dead more evil than before and shit.

Suddenly, Ash had heard knocking on her window.

Her eyes snapped up as Miss Mittens yelped and leaped out of her lap, running off.

However Ash was not met with the face of a young female zombie.

Eli Moskowitz gripped unto her window, his red Mohawk tilting to the side because of the rain.

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