01. Ashni and Sianna

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"This is it." Sianna River sighed up to her house before she turned to her sixteen year old daughter.

"It's bigger than our last house." Ashni Rivera said with a sour expression as she held her pet cat in her hand. "Grandma and Grandpa left you a shit ton of money."

"They sure did." Sia grinned before she carefully watched the men who carried their boxes of stuff from the U-Haul truck to the inside of the house. "And about time those old bastard die, been waiting for them to cut the cord for forever."

Ash just jumped her brows in response, her lips curled down as she was still staring up at the house.

The cat in her hands purred.

"It's okay to smile you know." Sia rolled her eyes as she nudged her daughter's arm.

"Tell me how someone can smile when their own mom forgot them at home while leaving to go to another city." Ash turned towards her mom in annoyance. "And this isn't even the first time you forgot me at home."

"I just always have a lot on my mind." Sia brushed off her daughter with an eyeroll. "Especially yesterday."

"Mom you remembered to bring our cat." Ash said with an eyeroll as she looked down to the cat that had fallen asleep in her arms.

"Well, Miss Mittens is very naggy, how could I forget her?" Sia asked as she also looked to the cat.

"Bitch." Ash had whisoered under her breath.

"What was that?" Sia raised a brow.

Ash luckily didn't have to repeat herself as a cheery woman made her way to the two, smiling brightly.

"Hi, you two must be the new neighbours." The lady smiled as she walked up to the two, holding out her hand. "I'm Caroline Moskowitz."

"Moskowitz." Sia repeated the last name as she shook the lady's hand. "Exotic, I like it."

The woman laughed as she pulled her hand away.

"I'm Sia and this is my daughter Ash." Sia introduced herself and her daughter.

"Nice to meet you, Sia and Ash." The woman said, nodding to each of them as she said their names.

"Nice to meet you too." Sia smiled as Ash just continued to stare at the workers carrying their bixes of stuff into the house.

"So is it just you two?" Carol had asked, clearing her throat at Ash's rudeness but brushing it to the side.

"Oh yeah, her father and I divorced a few years ago." Sia explained, her smile turning to a pout for a second before she smiled again. "But we've been good so far on our own."

"I can tell." Carol said as she looked up to the house, the men talking as they moved in the boxes. "They've been tryin to sell this house for forever, most people find it too expensive especially since no other house in the neighbourbood cost that much."

"Well we have the money to waste." Sia laughed, looking back to the house.

"That's good" Carol tilted her head with a smile. "I was supposed to bring you guys a pie but I said why not invite you both to dinner instead?"

"That would be wonderful." Sia smiled at the woman. "But I would hate for Ash and I to be interrupting family dinner."

"Oh no, you won't be." Carol quickly replied. "My husband's working late tonight and my son, Eli, lost his best friend recently so it would be great for him to get more friends."

"My daughter here could use a friend too seeing as we just came to town." Sia grinned at Carol, Ash rolling her eyes as she pet a stirring Miss Mittens. "How old is your son?"

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