05. Gameplan

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"I can't believe you're shopping for clothes to impress Henry." Eli had rolled his eyes as the two entered the girly athletic store in the mall. "I'm sure you have clothes at home."

"I don't have athletic wear at home." Ash had said with a roll of her eyes before she turned to face Eli, walking backwards. "Plus if you're a good boy while I shop, I'll buy you ice cream."

Eli scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Oo, this is so cute." Ash had said as she held up a purple tank top with a long purple tights.

Eli nodded awkwardly in response.

"Here, hold my purse, I'm gonna try it on." Ash said, pushing her purse at Eli.

Eli reluctantly held unto it as Ash walked off.

The boy awkwardly looked around.

"Eli?" A voice had called out and Eli turned, his eyes widening at the sight of Moon who frowned. "Are you following me around?"

"What? No!" Eli had quickly said to her, throwing Ash's purse strap on his shoulder.

"Then how did you know I'm working here for the summer?" Moon had asked with raised brows.

"I didn't." Eli had said, shaking his head. "I'm shopping."

"You're shopping here?" Moon had asked in confusion.

"Well, I'm not shopping." Eli had quickly said. "I'm actually here with-"

"All of the changing rooms are occupied." Ash had groaned out as she placed a bunch of clothes on Eli that blocked his view of Moon. "I saw some clothes on the way there, can you hold them for me?"

"I'm already holding them." Eli had said with a roll of his eyes that neither Moon or Ash could see.

Ash had then turned to Moon with a raised brow. "Hi."

"Hi, I'm Moon." Moon had smiled her signature friendly smile, holding out her hand.

"Oh, hi Moon." Ash had said, shaking Moon's hand as she glanced to Eli who was flattening down the clothes so that he could see Moon and Ash.

"You're so gorgeous." Moon had gushed at Ash.

"All you, bae." Ash had responded with a smile.

Moon laughed, Eli melting at the sound.

Ash saw this, clearing her throat.

"So." Moon had smiled. "Are you two-"

"Dating?" Eli had suggested before nodding. "Yeah, we are."

Ash had shot him a weird look.

"I was actually gonna ask if you two are doing anything next week Saturday." Moon had laughed awkwardly. "I'm gonna have a party so we could have some fun before school starts again on the 3rd."

"Oh." Eli had nodded before he looked to Ash. "We're not doing anything on the first, are we babe?"

"Nothing at all babe." Ash had rolled her eyes at him.

"Great, then we'll be there." Eli grinned at Moon.

Moon cleared her throat. "Uh, okay! See you guys then!"

"See you." Ash had nodded at her.

"Bye." Eli had said to his ex.

Moon gave them an awkward nod before she walked off.

"You wanna go watch me change, babe?" Ash had joked as she batted her eyelashes at him. "I can't wait for the party, babe."

"Oh shut up." Eli rolled his eyes, pushing the pile of clothes into Ash's arms before he tugged on her purse strap. "Hurry up so we can get out of here."

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