Chapter 18: Adrenaline Rush

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*later that night after fighting with his father but before his call to Wyatt*

Kingston*later that night after fighting with his father but before his call to Wyatt*

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The day had stretched on endlessly, each passing hour feeling like an eternity. In a fit of rage, I had lashed out at my father in front of the entire MC, but now, as the heat of the moment faded, I was filled with regret.

My usual composed demeanor had been shattered, and I found myself grappling with emotions that were uncharacteristic of me. Losing my temper was a rare occurrence, as I took pride in my ability to remain level-headed even in the most volatile of situations. It was my unmovable nature that had instilled fear in my enemies; they knew that they could never quite predict what I was thinking or planning.

However, something had shifted inside me emotionally, and I couldn't quite pinpoint what it was. I had become more temperamental, easily losing my cool at the slightest provocation. My emotions were all over the place, fluctuating wildly between intense heat and icy coldness.

The root of this change, I knew, was Kaylani. She had crept into my life without warning, slipping past my defenses and lodging herself deep within my thoughts. As the President of my MC, I knew that someone like her should not have the power to affect me in such a profound way.

I should have cut her loose, severed ties and moved on with my life. But the mere thought of doing so was enough to cause a twisting ache in my gut. I was emotionally attached to her, and I couldn't bring myself to let her go.

The reality of our situation was not lost on me, however. Being with Kaylani would undoubtedly put both our lives in danger, and I already had a girlfriend. It was a messy, complicated situation, and one that I couldn't seem to untangle myself from. As much as I tried to resist Kaylani's allure, the pull was too strong. I was in too deep, and I didn't know how to extricate myself without causing irreparable harm to both of us.

Despite the damage I feared and knew it would cause to me mentally, I was keenly aware that I had to act soon and make the difficult decision to cut ties with her; it was best for both us.

Despite my growing emotional attachment to her, I knew that I couldn't continue down this path without risking the safety of everyone involved. I couldn't afford to be distracted, especially as the leader of one of Florida's most notorious gangs.

As I sat at my desk, lost in thought, I pushed thoughts of Kaylani to the back of my mind as memories of Joleen flickered to the forefront. I tried to remember what drew me to her in the first place.

Her long, cherry blonde hair was always styled perfectly, cascading down her shoulders like golden silk. She had been by my side for years, offering unwavering support and loyalty, and it was almost shameful how quickly my attention had shifted towards someone else.

I sighed heavily, taking a gulp of my bourbon

While Kaylani certainly had a certain charm and allure that I couldn't deny, I knew deep down that she would never truly fit into my world. My life as the President of the MC was dangerous and unpredictable, and Kaylani was far too innocent and inexperienced to handle the harsh realities of my world. For crying out loud, she was a virgin.

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