Chapter 16: Surrender

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My heart sank as soon as I saw Wyatt holding my diary. The pages held my deepest secrets, and the thought of him reading them made my stomach churn. To make matters worse, he was in my house, talking to my mentally ill aunt and rifling through my belongings. How low was he willing to stoop to get revenge for that slap?

Wyatt's voice echoed in my ears, "Your mind is fascinating. We're not so different, you and I. Before I expose your secrets, come talk to me in private."

I knew I had to follow him and get my diary back, no matter what it took.

I pushed back my chair with a loud scrape against the floor, the tension between us palpable. I wanted to wipe the smirk off his face as he watched me intently, then stood up and led me to the back office.

I entered the room first, the door shutting behind us with a loud click. The small, cramped space seemed even quieter with just the two of us, and I could feel the goosebumps rising on my skin.

Wyatt cleared his throat, causing me to turn and face him. A wicked smile played on his lips as he spoke.

"I was beginning to think we wouldn't cross paths again." he said, taking a few steps closer.

I backed up until I bumped into the computer desk behind me, crossing my arms defensively.

"What do you want, Wyatt? An apology?" I sighed, mustering up my courage. "Okay, fine. I'm sorry. Can I have my diary back, please? I'm begging you."

Wyatt's humorless laugh sent shivers down my spine, and as he approached, I felt myself growing increasingly nervous. He invaded my personal space, shaking his head in disgust.

"What the hell was that? No! I want you to beg and apologize like you actually mean it. Cry, whimper, and plead with me to forgive your intolerable insolence."

My neck was suddenly in his grasp, his fingers tightening around my skin. Panic set in as I let out a small whimper, my eyes growing wide with fear.

"You see, I'm torn between snapping your neck and killing you, or making your life a living hell." He smirked. "Lucky for you, Kingston says that killing you would ruin whatever fucked up shit he has going on with Kaylani." Wyatt released his grip on my throat. "So, torture it is."

Confused and scared, I furrowed my brows as I struggled to make sense of his words.

"Wyatt, I said I was sorry. Can't that be enough?" I pleaded, but he interrupted me.

"Where's the pleasure in that?" He smiled wickedly as he opened my diary and began flipping through the pages. My anxiety soared as I instinctively reached for the book, but he easily sidestepped my attempt and found what he was looking for.

"Ah-ha! Here it is... June old were you then? In your early 20's?" As Wyatt's dark eyes scanned my diary, I could feel my heart beating faster and faster. I had never let anyone read my innermost thoughts before, and now here was Wyatt, holding my diary and reading it out loud. I covered my ears, hoping to block out the embarrassment, but it was no use.

"...growing up sheltered, I've decided go to explore my sexuality with men and woman..." My stomach dropped as Wyatt glanced up at me with an emotion in his eyes that I couldn't quiet pinpoint. And, as if that weren't enough, he began to taunt me, making a crude joke about my sexuality. "Does your sweet little aunt know you like to eat pussy?"

I sighed heavily, hating that I was just outed. I was Kenyan and this was completely unacceptable in my family.

Wyatt continued to read, his voice low and gruff, as I tried to will myself into disappearing.

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