Chapter 2: Incaution

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My mind snapped back to the present as I drove to the grocery store and saw nothing but, older homes, farms, trees, and livestock.

The main road through town consisted of two lanes that were riddled with potholes and roadkill; something I wasn't as used to.

One thing about South Florida, the roads were always under construction and expanding wider and wider to accommodate for the influx of new residents.

But, with a town of only 5,000 people, small roads clearly weren't a problem for Green Oaks residents.

I drove in silence since my Bluetooth wasn't working and the only radio stations available consisted of god awful country music.

While I went into town to grab groceries, Ebony was at home trying to get us settled into her aunts old Victorian home.

As we moved in, we quickly realized that her aunts dementia might have progressed further than we thought.

No person in their right mind would keep expired food in their pantry and fridge for so long; some food had been expired as far back as 10 fucking years!

I shook the disgusting memory out of my mind as I got closer to the center of town. More and more buildings came into view but most of them were permanently closed and abandoned.

Entering town was like entering a rundown ghost town. The only places that really showed some sort of life were the gas station, the Family Dollar store, and the liquor store attached to it.

Bouncing over a large pothole, I got my bearings and slowly pulled my Prius into the Family dollar store parking lot; it baffled my mind that this was the only grocery store in town.

Driving through the first parking lot lane, I quickly deduced that an older man was entering his car and about to leave. 

I maneuvered my Prius behind him with just enough room for him to pull out.

Just as the Oldsmobile was about to pull out of its space, the low rumbling of motorcycles entered the parking lot from behind me.

Curious to put a face to the noise, I glanced into my rearview mirror and saw 4 men riding motorcycles behind me and parking.

One of the men had a woman clinging to his back.

Thinking nothing of it, I fluffed my large fro, readjusted my mirror, and refocused my attention on the Oldsmobile that was still leisurely pulling out of the space in front of me.

I exhaled heavily and rolled my eyes, losing a little patience with this old man.

Goddamn it...someone needs to revoke this mans license!

Time ticked painfully slow as I waited. At one point, the man backed up then stopped in the middle of the lane. He literally stayed there for 30 longs seconds before moving.

I wanted to beep my horn so bad but decided against it.

This was a small town after all and the people in them were known for being more laidback.

After what felt like 5 painstakingly long minutes, the old man finally got his shit together and pulled off at a snails pace.


I took my foot off the break to turn into the newly available spot when suddenly, Mr. and Mrs. Dickhead, a name I've now given to these two particular people, sped past me and zoomed their Harley-Davidson into my space.

Slamming on my breaks and looking up to observe what just happened, my mouth fell open at the blatant audacity of these assholes.

With no remorse, they swiped the spot I had been patiently waiting for.

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