Chapter 12: Dangerous Games

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I was pissed the hell off that Kingston was able to capture me so easily but at least I tried my best.

I promised myself, I wasn't gonna give up.

As I watched him closely, Kingston carefully stowed the mysterious photos that had been thrown over the wall into his jacket pocket before turning to face me.

"Let's go, Kaylani." He stated with a newfound edge to his tone. Whatever was shown in those pictures really shifted his mood

Despite his insistence, I stood my ground with my hand crossed over my chest.

"Kingston, just Let me and Ebony go... please... you don't actually need us--"

Before the words could fully leave my lips, Kingston took that moment to invade my personal space.

He swiftly bent down, grabbed hold of my knees, and threw me over his uninjured shoulder.

"What--what are you doing?" I protested, my heart racing. "Put me down, NOW!"

Desperate to be let go, I repeatedly pounded my fists against Kingstons muscled back but received little to no reaction from him.

As he marched us toward the house, I twisted my body and deliberately applied pressure to his injured shoulder. Right away, his grip tightened as he roared out in pain.

"Fuck!" He cried out, almost dropping me.

I knew I was pushing his limits but I couldn't help myself; after everything he had put me and Ebony through, I wanted him to feel even a fraction of the pain he had caused us.

Kingston stopped walking, his voice dropping to a dangerous growl.

"You're playing with fire, Kaylani. Don't test me—"

Before Kingston could finish his words, I pressed down on his wound again.

Without warning, Kingston swung me off his shoulder and slammed me against the side of his house, his grip tight around my neck. I struggled to breathe as I looked up into his fiery blue gaze.

"What the hell is this?" he hissed. "You like to play games? You think this is some kind of joke?"

His fingers tightened around my throat, cutting off my air supply. Panic seized me as I clawed at his hand, desperate for him to release me. But Kingston only sneered down at me, his grip unyielding.

At that point, I knew I'd probably pushed his buttons a little too far.

"What do I do with you, Kaylani?" he mused, his voice dripping with malice. "You're nothing but trouble. In my world, troublemakers are dealt with swiftly, if you catch my drift." Kingston released my throat and caressed my cheek as he continued. "But unfortunately, I still need you."

I cleared my dry throat.

"You don't need me or Ebony. I promise you Wyatt will be fine..."

Kingston chuckled humorlessly.

"You're mistaking my kindness for weakness, sweetheart," Kingston sneered. "And I don't appreciate being seen as weak. Maybe it's time you learned that lesson."

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