Letter 12

404 18 0

From: Oliver Stone.
Age: 16
To: Gus Johnson.


I took lessons in creative writing like you advised me, you don't have to pay for them.
Writing isn't working for me so far, I don't even know from where did you get the idea that I could be an author.
I don't have patience, my imagination is nonexistent, I get tired and out of idea by the second page.
I can't write a book, I can't write a story ! Nothing decent to enjoy.
I don't know how you saw potential in me.

Turns out like Taylor was around and she's the one who gave the help the address and took care of me until the ambulance came and hid me away from the thieves, she was following me!
Anyway, the thieves took all they wanted and escaped, as Taylor said.
We reported them,though and both of us described all what we saw and I got fired.
Mom was really mad about the guardian thing.

Now, we sit on the table and the three of us eat together, talking about our day then I go off to the car washing and repairing then I come back to do all my homework and writing essays.
Taylor helps sometimes, even after I slapped her, she dropped it, saying it's her fault from the start.
Yet, she didn't deserve it, she didn't deserve the slap, I apologised multiple times and she forgave me, but I still don't forgive myself for it.

I was an animal and I slapped her like an animal !
I'll be here until guilt eats me raw.

Until later,
Daddy's little soldier.

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