Letter 6

625 23 0

From: Gus Johnson.

To: Oliver Stone


Daddy's little soldier,

I'm so proud of you, boy, you're becoming a man at ten years old!
I hope as well Gus punched that boy hard enough, I'm sure I'd rather give him a harder punch myself.

Tell Taylor daddy loves her, and he's so sorry he's not with her in that time, tell her he's not worth her time, she shouldn't feel saddened because his mask fell and she saw the real him, tell her that I want her happy no matter what, tell her to be happy no matter what happens to her, because someone like her deserves happiness and joy, she should get what she deserves.

Don't forget I Love You so, big man, you've proved yourself and I couldn't be prouder than this.
I gotta go to catch some arses, send my love to everyone and tell uncle Gus to work out more, he should've punched Luke harder than this.

Don't mention that laters baby ever again.

Until later, Daddy's Little Soldier.

Daddy who wants to kill Luke.

Daddy's Little SoldierDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora