Letter 8

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From: Oliver Stone.
Age: 15
To: Gus Johnson.
Hello there,uncle Gus,

I'm Oliver,I hope you still remember me and that you're not mad at me for not writing you for four years straight.
I know,I'm sorry,there's a lot I should say sorry about.
First,for not writing you.
Second,for letting everyone down.
Third,for yelling at mom yesterday,I'm really so sorry and I didn't mean it!
Forth, for not helping much around.
Fifth, for not being the man,but it's so hard to be the little man who can do nothing.
Sixth,I'm sorry for being mean to Leo today,he's my best friend and I can't hate him forever,tell him I'm sorry,please.
Seventh,for not realising how sad everyone around me was,and only thought about myself.

Everything is going wrong,uncle Gus,my heart feels so heavy in my chest,I'm barely breathing.
Mom is getting skinner and sicker,yet,she's saying nothing about it,she thinks I'm too stupid to realise that she's dying right in front of me.

Some robber lately stole our money,that the three of us is trying to save,do you know how many cars I had to wash,repair and deal with their rude drivers to get that money? Do you know that mom sold literally everything she has and works day and night? Do you know that Taylor had to deal with the rude clients spilling juice over her apron to get that money? And works extra hours whenever she can? Do you know that Taylor can't go to university anymore and achieve her dreams because that robber stole all the money we were saving for her college? Do you know how awful is that?

I haven't eaten any proper meal for two days because of that,we all didn't eat anything,we're not even hungry!
But mom needs to eat,she really needs to eat,we can't afford her medicaments anymore, I don't want to see the rest!
I want daddy! I want to see daddy! I want to catch up with daddy,to heaven!
I don't want to see my mother dying on the cold tile in front of me.

Taylor has this new habit of cutting herself,mom and I are too tired to keep up with it anymore.
The cherry on the cake? People have the guts to mock us.
Today,they pushed me off the stairs,I rolled on the stairs,blood dripping and my face is full of bruises.
Of course,I had to wake up on the clinic bed,next to mom looking so worried about me.

You know what's the worst thing about it? I can't even tell them no,I can't press charges against them,I can't hit them back,or I'll risk being kicked out,and with that, I can't be noticed by some university to accept me.
Uncle Gus,I don't care about any of that,why did daddy leave for war in the first place?
I'm not asking for food,or new clothes,or even daddy to come back,all I'm asking for is to save mommy.

Until later,

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