"Okay, this isn't the right time to even be talking about this. We should look for my brother now," Ervin reminds them, and the fice of them agree and starts searching the campus.

     They looked around the Keep, but the students said that they didn't spot a student from Foxberry passing through there at all. They then went straight to the Hall of Terra, but it was the same story. No one has seen Edward.

     "You know, maybe we should split up. I could call some of the marquis who are hidden around the campus and ask for their help. I think that would be faster," Felix then suggests as they walk past the Hall of Janus.

     "That's a good idea. I'm just worried he'll stumble upon someone crazy. That boy can be a little scaredy cat, so we have to find him before someone else does," Ervin replies.

     The five of them were about to split up, but then, as they walked past the hall that had a 'No entry' sign, two figures wearing black uniforms suddenly appeared in front of them, making them stop walking in an instant.

     "Princes," Max instantly greets, and he and the rest of his friends immediately help onto their chest to bow to their temporary classmates, Blade and Killshot.

     "Keigo-chan!" Blade immediately shouts right after, practically throwing himself at the white uniform to give him a tight hug. "I haven't seen you all day, our cute little underling! It's so so good to see you."

     "I-It's good to see you t-too, Blade," Keigo nervously answers, glancing at Killshot, who was practically sending him death signals. So when Blade continues to hug him tightly, Keigo finally pushes him away so Killshot wouldn't end up actually killing him.

     "What are you five doing here? Looking for trouble?" Killshot then asks while pulling Blade towards him.

     "Oh, no, we're just looking for someone," Keigo replies. "I'm not trying to cross the line or anything, but have you perhaps seen a student from Foxberry walking around here? He's around Ari's height, and he's wearing a pair of brown glasses."

     Max and the others didn't really expect them to say anything, but to their surprise, the two princes turned to each other and exchanged looks. At that moment, they instantly knew that they did see someone that fits the description.

     "You saw him, didn't you? Where did you see him?" Ervin immediately asks, making the two princes look at him.

     "And why on earth do you think we're going to entertain a Jack?" Killshot then asks back with a much more serious tone, but then Blade suddenly hits his arm and looks back at Ervin with a smile.

     "Don't be so rude to our little bunnies. After all, they're our temporary classmates," Blade tells Killshot, making the prince roll his eyes in annoyance. But Surprisingly enough, he didn't say anything anymore and let Blade speak. "We saw the guy you're looking for inside the Hall of Janus a couple of minutes ago when Killshot and I were hiding inside a room and—" Blade abruptly stops himself while Killshot was just massaging his temple, obviously annoyed but still used to his partner by now.

     "Anyway, what we were doing isn't really important, but we last spotted your guy heading towards the second floor. You won't miss him," Blade says with a bright smile.

     "Thank you," Ervin respectfully replies, touching his chest and bowing to the prince again.

     "Well then, we better head to the stadium. The kings called for us and—" Blade abruptly stopped again and started giggling at himself. "Oops, I think I shouldn't have told you guys that either."

     "Seriously, I've had enough with you," Killshot then says, grabbing Blade's hand and forcefully pulling him away.

     "I'll see you around, my little bunnies!" Blade shouts, waving at the group until he and Killshot are finally out of sight.

Kings On The Horizon (Vol. 4-6) ✓Where stories live. Discover now