Blaney Motorsports

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Chapter 23:

Madison's POV

"Hey Jenny when Brittany comes just send her to my office." I say coming up to the front desk.

"Yes ma'am. So do you think you'll give her a deal?" Jenny asks.

"Yeah I think I will. Ryan agrees that we should sign her full time. We've gotten a couple of offers from sponsors." I reply. Jenny and I talked for a while until Ryan came into the room.

"Hey Maddie, Brittany is here." Ryan says. I nod and say goodbye to Jenny and walked out with Ryan. As we walked into Ryan's office, Brittany was sitting there with Kurt and Kyle.

"Alright let's get this started." Ryan says sitting down behind his desk. Brittany nods and shifts uncomfortably.

"We've thought about it and we would love to have you here at BMS. We spread the word around and we've gotten a couple offers from sponsors." Ryan says. I smile as all of their eyes light up.

"We are giving you a two year contract and it will cover the 2016 and 2017 seasons." I say leaning against the desk.

"What about all of the crew? Do you guys have that all set up?" Kyle asks.

"Yes we already have that set up, and they all should be here." Ryan says.

"Well it's all up to you Brittany. What do you think? I'm already liking it here." Kurt smiles.

"Yeah, I like this place. I'll take it." Brittany says. Ryan smiles and pulls out her two year contract. Ryan sets it on the table and slides it over to her. Brittany signs it and gives it back.

"Alright I'll have Jenny make a copy of this. Maddie why don't you give these guys a tour of the place, and introduce her to the teams and her teammates." Ryan says standing up.

"Alright guys follow me." I say opening up the door. They follow me down the hallway into the shop.

"Hey guys gather around! We have a guest." I call out. The crews stop their work and gather around us.

"Guys this is Brittany Busch, and she's gonna be joining us this coming season. Brittany this is your crew chief, John Davidson." I say gesturing towards John.

"Nice to meet you Brittany." John says shaking her hand.

"And these are your teammates Joy Handson, Ross Kenseth, and Chris Brandson." I say introducing them. They all welcome her and they practically took over.

"Hey Maddie, we'll show here around. Take a break you've been working a lot lately." Joy smiles. I smile as they started showing her around the shop.

-1 hour later-

Brittany, Kyle, and Kurt left about an hour ago. I think Brittany is really going to enjoy it here. She really started to get warmed up some of her crew members, and especially Joy.

"Knock knock." someone says walking into my office.

"Hey Chase what's up?" I ask finishing up an email.

"Nothing much just got done at CEM and JRM. Just thought I would pay my girl a visit." He says sitting down.

"Aww that's sweet of you." I smile.

"So did that Brittany girl accept?" He asks.

"Yeah she did. I just need the line up the main sponsor then it'll be official." I say sending the email. The phone rings interrupting Chase.

"Blaney Motorsports, this is Madison." I say putting the phone up to my ear.

"Hey Maddie it's Kasey."

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