Visiting JRM

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Chapter 10:

Chase's POV

Well, it's been an interesting week, and it's gonna get more interesting today... I'm going over to take care of Madison for the day. I told Amanda to take a day off of caring for Madison, so I'm filling in for her. We all agree Amanda needs a well deserved break.

"Coming!" I hear. I back away from the door and waited. The door opened up and revealed Amanda.

"Hi Chase, come on in." Amanda says stepping aside. I walked in and kicked off my shoes by the door. I walked into the living room as Amanda closes the door behind her.

"Alright, if Maddie is in any pain her medication is on the counter, and umm make sure she stays off of her foot, make sure she uses her crutches, and I think that's it." Amanda says grabbing her stuff.

"Madison is still asleep, but she should wake up anytime now. Thanks for doing this Chase." Amanda says opening up the door.

"No problem at all." I say. Amanda waves and walks out the door. I close the door shut and locked it. I walked into the kitchen and started to make breakfast for Maddie, assuming she would be hungry by the time she wakes up. As I started making her breakfast I heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen.

"Morning sleepy head." I smile as Madison comes in walking with her crutches.

"Morning Chase." she says. I walked over and pulled out a chair for her to sit in. She smiles and sits down leaning her crutches against the wall.

"Smells good." she says.

"Well, I try my best." I reply. She laughs.

Madison's POV

I was kinda surprised to see Chase here. I knew he was coming over, but not this early in the morning. But it really surprised me that I waked up to him making some breakfast for me. So sweet.

"So, what do you want to do today? I'm not gonna be that strict like Amanda is." Chase says.

"I don't know." I shrug.

"Hey, wanna go visit JRM? Dale really wants to come and visit and see how your doing, but he's been so caught up at work." Chase suggests.

"Yeah! I like that idea!" I say. Then my phone went off. I grabbed it off the table and saw it was from Emma.

From Emma: Hey sis! I was wondering if you would like to come to Emleigh's and MamaB's for awhile later. Because I know your with Chase 😏

To Emma: Yeah, sure I'll come over later. Chase is taking me over to JRM to visit with everybody. And how do you know Chase is over here?

From Emma: Amanda told me. Oh btw Erin says hi!

To Emma: Hi Erin!

From Emma: okay I'll see you later. I have to open up shop now. Love you sis!

To Emma: Okay bye! Love you too!

"Alright your breakfast is ready. Eat up." Chase says putting a plate in front of me.

"Ah. Left my phone in my truck. I'll be right back Maddie." Chase says then walks out of the kitchen. Before I ate I grabbed my phone and took a pic and sent it to Twitter.

@MadisonBlaney: Good morning everyone! @ChaseElliott how did you know I liked pancakes?

A couple seconds after I sent it, I got a reply.

@KaseyKahne: Awww is @ChaseElliott being romantic on this fine morning? So cute!

@ChaseElliott: Shut up @KaseyKahne and just a lucky guess @MadisonBlaney everyone likes pancakes!

I laugh as Chase comes back into the kitchen.

"My goodness girl I was gone for like a minute and your almost done!" Chase says. I take my last bite and set the fork back down on the plate.

"A girls gotta eat." I reply laughing.

"Yeah, I guess." Chase laughs nervously. I knew something was up... Ever since he got here he was acting strange around me. An awkward silence fell upon us, ever since that kiss it's made us act differently around each other.

"So, what time do you want to leave?" He asks.

"Umm, maybe forty-five minutes?" I say looking up at the clock. Chase nods as I reach over for my crutches. I get up and slowly make my way to my room. I grab a pair of clothes and started to get dressed. Once I get my skinny blue jeans on I put the boot back on my foot. I quickly put my hair in a messy bun. I grab my crutches and wobbled out of my room.

"Ready?" Chase asks standing up from the couch.

"Yeah, let's go." I say.


"Maddie!" Dale says walking into his office.

"Hey Dale!" I say giving him a hug.

"So, how are you feeling?" He asks sitting down in front of me.

"I've been better, but I'm okay. I'm just ready to get back into that car." I say. Dale chuckles and looks up at Chase.

"We got a fighter here Chase, and I know she's gonna be healed sooner than we think." Dale says.

"Yes sir." Chase replies laughing.

"Well, I'm sure Kasey, Kevin, Regan, Ryan and your crew would definitely like to see you. Shall we go to the #9 and #8 shop?" Dale asks. I nod in agreement and again grabbed my crutches. I'm about tired of these stupid crutches, and I still have to deal with them for eight more weeks.

"Hey Maddie." Amy smiles as we walk down the hallway. I slightly wave and smile back at her as she passes us.

"MADDIE!" I hear as we entered the nine and eight shop. My crew comes over along with my crew chief. They started asking me all of these questions. Most of them asked me how I was doing.

"I present to you your trophy Ms. Blaney." Ryan says walking up with the trophy he won at Atlanta.

"Ryan please, keep it you won and deserved it." I say.

"No can do sis. Your car, with your name on it, and your trophy." Ryan says setting the trophy down on the tool box.

"Fine." I say giving up mostly cause I didn't wanna argue with anyone. Then Kasey, Kevin, and Regan all come up and start giving me hugs.

"We're so glad to see you up and healing." Kevin says.

"We'll in just glad I'm out of the house for once." I smile.

"So, this week Kasey will be driving your car." Dale says. Kevin was scheduled to drive the #88 this weekend at Las Vegas, and Ryan was gonna drive the #22 for Penske. So, with that that only left Kasey to drive my car for this weekend.

"Yeah, maybe I'll get the car back into victory lane again." Kasey smiles.

*back at home*

"Thanks for taking me over to JRM today Chase." I say sitting down.

"It was my pleasure Maddie, you needed to get out of the house somehow." He replies sitting down next to me. Again another awkward silence fell upon us.

"Umm Maddie?" Chase asks.

"Yeah?" I ask turning my head towards him.

"Umm, well I was wondering, if umm if you would be my girlfriend?" He asks.

A/N- Dun Dun Dun!!! Cliffhanger!!!!What will happen next? Will she yes or no? Leave what you think in the comments! Thank you guys soooooooo much for 1k reads! You guys are the best! I didn't know how much you guys liked this book! Thanks again!

Sorry for any spelling mistakes and or grammar errors. Thanks again! And who's ready for Chase's Sprint Cup day view at Martinsville? I am! Let's go #25! And #5 of course!

Thanks again!


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