The 'Date'

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Chapter 5:

Madison's POV

"So, what happened here?" Chase asks. He points to my wrist. What should I say? I can't just say 'Oh this? Yeah, my ex boyfriend did this to me.'. I'm honestly not ready to tell Chase about him.

"Oh, I tripped down the stairs earlier today." I say. What was I thinking! I just lied to him! I mentally slapped myself, how stupid can I be?

"So, where are we going?" I ask breaking the silence.

"You'll see, I'm pretty sure you'll like it. Well, at least I hope you do." Chase says.

"I'm sure I will." I say. Honestly, Chase was like the nicest guy like ever! With his personality, his smile, his beautiful brown eyes...

Slap out of it Madison!

I'm not getting involved with another boy! Well, not for a while. Chase seems like a super nice guy, but I still can't trust anyone, not yet. I still don't know anything about Chase.

He probably already as a girlfriend anyways Madison. Focus Madison!

"And we are here!" Chase says.

"Wow, big mistake Chase. I'm gonna kick your butt in go karts." I say looking at him.

"Challenge accepted Blaney." He says hoping out of the car. He's on! I open up the passengers door and quickly jump out. I closed the door behind as I caught up with Chase who was already inside.

"Two people." Chase says.

"It's nice seeing a couple out on this nice night." the lady says. I instantly look up at Chase, I see him smiling, but he never looks back at me. Surprisingly, I was fine with it...

"Have fun you two!" The lady says as we start to walk to the little track.

"Hey, your brother is here." Chase points out. I look over to where he was pointing and sure enough there was Ryan with Darrell Wallace, Tyler Redick, Ty Dillion, and Austin Dillion. Totally forgot, every Friday night they go go-karting.

"Hey! It's my sister from another mister!" Tyler says walking over to me. Just to be clear we are not related in anyway! One brother is enough for me, I can barely handle Ryan

"Hey Tyler!" I say.

"Hey! She's mine sister Tyler." Ryan says.

"Hey bud!" Ty and Austin say to Chase.

"Hey dude! I haven't seen you in forever!" Chase says.

"So, what are you two doing here?" Austin asks.

"Oh. Chase and I are just hanging out tonight." I say.

"Well, of course you guys are! You guys are teammates now! Well, good luck trying to beat Madison at go-kart, it's almost impossible to beat her!" Tyler says.

"Yeah, we'll see about that." Chase smirks.

"Bring it Elliott." I say.

"Oh really? Well let's go Blaney." Chase says.

"I'm betting ten bucks on Chase." Ty says patting Chase on the shoulder. Tyler an Ryan both shake their heads and walk up behind me.

"And we're betting ten bucks on Maddie here." Ryan says with Tyler nodding in agreement.

"Let's do this." Chase says. He walks to a go-kart and of course he walked to the one that had the #9 on it. I laugh and walked over to the #29, and I knew Ryan was happy about this, because it's his number.

"Yes, Madison! Good number!" Ryan says clapping his hands. I laugh and climb in, I buckle in and drive over to the starting line. Chase comes to a stop next to me.

"Alright guys, three laps winner takes all. At the drop of the green flag, go." Ty says.

"Hey Elliott, just to be fair I'll give you a five second head start." I say.

"I'll take what I can get." he laughs.

"Go!" Darrell yells.

Chase speeds off as I count to five. At five I press the gas and go. I cut sharp into the first turn and I was already getting closer to Chase. As I cut sharp the next corner I was already on Chase's bumper. I lightly tap it making him move the right, and giving me the advantage to pass. We ran side by side as we both completed the first lap on the mini track. I finally clear him in turn one, but then he starts tapping on my bumper in turn two.

"Don't let him get to you Maddie!" Tyler yells. Chase goes to the high side and tries to pass up there, but the bottom groove was a bit better. Look I'm already talking racing terms! Man, I miss racing, honestly I hate the off season, but I love it.

"One more lap!" Ty yells.

I quickly take a glimpse back, and Chase was right behind me. Again I cut sharp in the turn, which increases my run and gets me farther from Chase. In turn two and three I cut sharp again each time. As I come into turn four Chase take the high side and gets a good run. I clearly crossed the finish line first, because Ryan and Tyler started cheering loudly. I start to slow down and soon came to a stop.

"Nice Blaney." Chase stops next to me.

"You too Elliott." I laugh.

*later that night*

"I had fun tonight." Chase says as we walked up to my house.

"Me too!" I say looking up at his big brown eyes. We literally stared each other for five seconds until Chase started leaning in. What? Is he gonna kiss me!? I'm not ready! But I don't want to be rude either! Before I knew it his lips were on mine. I would say it was good 10 seconds until he pulled back.

"I'm sorry." he says in an apologetic tone.

"It's fine Chase." I say looking down grabbing my keys. I unlock the door and looked up at Chase.

"Night Chase. We should defiantly do this again." I say.

"Yeah, we should. Night Maddie." he says. I watch him as he walks down sidewalk to his truck. I finally shut the door and lean against the door.

"Your back!" I hear Amanda yell running down the stairs.

A/N- Madison and Chase kissed! Yay! I'm sorry I haven't been updating lately! I have a huge basketball game next month, and I've been working my butt of in practice. And I have volleyball tournaments coming up too. But I hope you like this chapter!

Update will be soon! Thanks for all the reads! You are the best!



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