Victory or Defeat?

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Chapter 18:

Madison's POV

"I'm Jamie Little and I'm here with Madison Blaney. Yes, you heard me right Madison Blaney is wake and better than ever. Madison Blaney is filling in for Dale Earnhardt Jr., who collapsed just an hour ago. Madison this is only your second start in a cup car, what can you take from Texas in the beginning of the season when you filled in for Kasey Kahne, and apply it to this 88 machine?"

"I actually took a lot way from when I filled in for Kasey that race. I really don't know what I can apply to this car what I took away from Texas. This track is really different from Texas, plus the car has a whole different set up. " I reply.

"Since Dale qualified the car, you have to start at the tail end of the field. Do you think from what Greg Ives have told you, do you have the car to beat today?" She asks as Chase puts his chin on my shoulder trying to act all cute.

"Umm yeah I think we do. The 88 car has been so strong this season, Greg said the car was great a few problems here and there, but we'll get through it." I say.

"Well it's gonna be fun watching Madison and the 88 make their way up to the front." Jamie says.

"Thank you Madison." Jamie smiles.

"Anytime." I smile. She walks away and I turn around to Chase.

"Your just way too cute." I laugh.

"Ah tell me something I don't know, and I was born cute." Chase laughs.

"I believe it." I say. We stand their as pre race ceremonies go on. Once the young man was done singing the National Anthem, Greg comes walking to us.

"Okay you two love birds have to say goodbye." he jokes.

"Okay fine. I love you, I'll catch up with you after the race." Chase says then kisses me.

"Okay good luck." I say. Chase lets go of my hand and walks off to his car. I give the team high fives and then slipped into the car. The crew had to adjust the seat because I'm a lot smaller and shorter than Dale, he's very tall. I grabbed the gloves off of the dash and slipped them on and also the helmet. The car chief comes and hooks up my helmet as I put the steering wheel in its place. After my helmet was all hooked up the window net came up, and I sat there waiting for the command.

"Drivers start your engines!" I start the car hearing the engine come to life.

"Alright pace car is rolling. Can you hear me Mads?" Greg asks.

"Loud and clear Grego." I say.

"Did you just call me Grego?" He chuckles.

"You called me Mads. We aren't doing the nickname thing?" I say trying to laugh off the nerves.

"Don't I get a nickname? One more lap until the green." The spotter asks coming through the radio.

"Nah, you don't get one T.J.." Greg says as we enter into turn four.

"Alright Mads this is the 'Track too tough to tame' if anyone can tame it, its you." Greg says.

"Thanks guys. Lets make this a great day, clean fast pit stops. Lets win it for Dale." I say.

"Okay, alright pace is off. Ready, ready, ready, ready. Go, go, go! Green!" T.J. says. I shifted into the right gear and began to get up to speed.

"98 is at your quarter, quarter, quarter you are clear. Room on the high side." T.J. says. I moved up in front of Josh Wise and began to focus on passing the next few cars. The next two cars were Alex Bowman and Alex Kennedy. I make it three wide and barely slipped through the middle of them and passed Cole Witt during that process.

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