Chapter 3: Meeting with the General

Start from the beginning

"...It's...Atlas Academy"

The ship lowered gently onto the Atlas Academy landing pad, where some more of Atlas' military guards were waiting. The doors were opened, and the group stepped out slowly. One by one, they stared up at the towering and imposing form of the Atlas Academy building.

Ruby: "I guess we will be seeing the General. For better or worse"
The elevator ride to the top of the tower was an uneasy one. Whether it was because of the two guards that flanked them, the eerie silence, or the uncertainty of their fate, it was unsure. Ren spoke in a low tone, "So, what do we do?"

Ruby: "I don't know yet, but we should be careful with what we say"

Blake: "We'll follow your lead Ruby" Ruby gave her teammate an appreciative smile as the elevator doors opened up again. Qrow and Kai trailed along at the back of the group.

Kai: "Why do you think we were taken here and not to the station?"

Qrow: "Probably because Ironwood wants to deal with the 'intruders' himself"

Kai: "Should we consider that a good thing or a bad thing?"

Qrow: "I guess we'll find out kid"

Just then, the group entered into a hallway, and by some coincidence, or twist of fate, three individuals walked right past. General Ironwood himself, Winter Schnee, and...

Penny: "Yay! You're here!" At the sound of her voice, the General and Winter stopped in their tracks and turned around to face the group, their eyes going wide.

Weiss: "Winter..." Winter let out a soft gasp, as she gazed upon her younger sister, a mix of expressions covering her face. Relief, joy, sadness, regret. Nora interrupted, raising her restrained hands, "Anyone wanna give us a hand with these?" Winter turned to face the two guards sternly, "You have 10 seconds to take those off before I start hurting you"

Guards: "Huh?" They looked at each other in confusion before looking back at Winter's unwavering glare. Then, quick as a flash, they both got to work undoing the restraints on all the members of the group, mumbling apologies all the way.

"So, General..." Kai spoke up, rubbing his wrists, "...where can we talk?"
~Ironwood's Office~
Ironwood: "Please, come in" The general ushered everyone into his massive and spacious office, "It is so good to see all of you"

Yang: "Our reception didn't really convey that" Ironwood sighed heavily, and began to walk to his desk, "I sincerely regret how you were treated by my team. When a rogue airship entered our airspace, it raised flags" He moved beind the desk and sat on his chair, with Penny and Winter flanking him on both sides, "We assumed the ship was stolen" Kai smirked, "You know, now that you mention it, there might have been a bit of hijacking in Argus". The General raised a brow, then an impressed smile crossed his lips. Meanwhile, Winter wasn't so amused.

Winter: "You stole an Atlas airship?" She left her position at Ironwood's side and began to walk towards Weiss in particular, scolding her all the way, "What were you thinking? You might have been shot down! How unbeleivably irresponsible of..." Her ranting was cut short by Weiss, who pulled her sister into a hug.

Weiss: "I'm sorry I worried you. But we did what we had to do"

Winter: "I..." she sighed and put her arms around Weiss as well, "...I suppose I understand" Her attention then went to Qrow, as she scowled at him, "But I cannot believe that you allowed this to happen, Qrow" Qrow simply laughed, "You try stopping these kids when they have their minds set on something. Speaking of which..." his expression became serious and he turned to face the General, "...We have some important information for you that's...confidential" He gave a meaningful glance at Penny and Winter.

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