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"What- what happened?" Armin questions lifting his arm to wipe the sleep from his eyes but ultimately failing. A sleepy Eren with wide eyes jumps onto the smaller male, engulfing him into a tight hug and never wanting to let go. Jesus, he loved him. Reluctantly Armin hugged back, using all of his strength to pull his arms onto Erens muscular back. A small blush formed across his cheeks as Eren hadn't been one for physical touch, but this showed just how worried he was about Armin.  "Er- Eren, I can't-" Armin managed to croak out before Eren let go, "Sorry, I didn't mean to almost kill you." He says light heartedly before realizing his words left an unsavory taste in both of their mouths. Thankfully their silence was cut short by a familiar trauma surgeon, Dr. Zoe. "Doc, do you have any news on why he might have passed out like that?" Eren questioned. Dr. Zoe glanced at her watch which read, 9:46 pm, before concluding that she had time to explain before her next surgery... 


Armin waved to his cardiologist and smiled before his vision went dark and he felt the thud of the cold grey tile. He could hear muffled screaming and doctors running, he didn't care, he was tired, and the floor felt good on his back. He allowed them to put him on a stretcher before losing consciousness completely. 


Crying? Did he hear crying? He couldn't have, no one would cry for a know-it-all with hair too long to suit his face. Besides he was fine, it was probably just going to pass anyway they always did. Armin had around four of these little 'episodes' as he called them and he always just got back on his feet, took a sip of water and continued his day. He knew it was bad for him he just didn't want to get hospitalized yet, he was too young, and he felt his colleagues would look at him weird. 

9:46pm (current time)

All he could do was listen as Dr. Zoe or 'Hange' as she asked us to call her, explained to Eren that his beloved 'Ar' in fact only had months to live. Silently the blonde lay there crying as he watched Erens expressions change in ways he had never seen before. God he was so ashamed why did it have to be him who was burdened, why did Armin have to wander into the most perfect man's life and plant himself there, like a parasite leeching on its host. He covered his face with his light blonde hair hoping, like a toddler, that if he hid long enough it would go away. It never did, and neither did Eren. 


The next day Armin woke up to the crummy hospital food and pushed it away with a groan. Eren stared puzzled, wondering why he didn't want it. "Why aren't you eating, you know you have to." Eren asked. Armin stared back with his ocean blue eyes and was quick to retort "Because it smells like your moms coochie, I'm not eating that." A very shocked Eren looked at his best friend with his mouth agape and eyes wide, "I'm sorry your highness would you like a Mc Chicken instead?" He asked sarcastically. "Hmm no, but would you please bring me a jello?" asked the shorter of the two, "Your wish is my command, sir" Eren stood up and curtseyed on his way out to continue the joke. Armin felt his cheeks start to burn a crimson red, thank whatever higher power out there that Eren wasn't there. 

Armin had figured out his feelings for Eren a few weeks ago after Eren dropped a once in a lifetime case to drive him home after he ate bad tuna for lunch. What could he say, there wasn't anything Eren loved more than medicine, and if he would sacrifice it for Armin? It's safe to say that Armin realized just how much he loved Eren and the things he would do for him. He love-

Before his last thought could be finished a very exited Hange came into give him his medication and check his vitals. After he was found to be doing satisfactory, Hange took a perch on the foot of his bed. Before Armin could even change his expression, she started asking questions about Eren, and if he liked him or if they were together. He just stared blankly at her before she delivered her final blow. "Do you love him?" She all but yelled for the whole hospital to hear.  "Shut up Hange, I didn't ask you this many questions when you and Levi got together!" He spat in return. "Ok ok point received, but still... do you LOVE him." She asked in that annoying exaggerated tone.  Armin checked to see if he could see him in the halls, he couldn't so he replied "Yes, but I swear I will rip your ponytail out if you tell anyone." A few seconds of giggling passed before Eren reentered the room, with a McDonalds bag?

"Well, I'll just leave you be then..." She got up and exited the room leaving Eren confused. "What was that about." He said before unpacking the McDonalds bag. "Don't ask me, I don't even know." He lied, and before the human lie detector could sniff out this one, he changed the subject to the food. "Why did you go to McDonalds after I told you I didn't want a McChicken?" "Well, Ar, I wanted a McFlurry but the machine was down, so I got us apple pies." He took a breath before continuing, "Besides I remember you liked their apple pies better than any other dessert." A tinge of blush tickled Erens cheeks but not enough for Armin to notice. They ate their apple pies in peace until Eren had to go to his shift. 


When the blonde finished his apple pie, he picked up their trash and went to throw it away, but not before noticing at the bottom of the bag was one of the front desk's pens, the ones with the flowers on top. It was an orange flower with a black center, and it contrasted nicely with the blue of the pen. It was probably an accident; he probably was filling out paperwork when he left and stuck it in there. Maybe it wasn't though? What if this was Erens way of expressing love? Armin held onto this slim hope that maybe just maybe Eren liked him too.

A/N OMG two chapters in one night????? CRAZINESS. anyway, felt like writing some fluff and kicking off the start of the romance, since this is a love story yk. probably will write the next chapter tomorrow night but we'll see. also, this is about to get both cuter and sadder so hold onto your cowboy boots. 

word count: 1143

My Heart Bleeds Blue (Eremin)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang