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"ARMIN" Dr. Zoe called from the next room. This just so happened to be a patient with stage four lung cancer, Historia Reiss. Her and her wife, Ymir, have been staying here for the past few months as she was too unstable to move back home. It was clear to the doctors and nurses she would never go back home but they still kept smiles on their faces and told them the best damn white lies anyone's ever heard. This time the truth was starting to slip when Historia started to code. "Armin, get the crash-cart!" he could hear the cracking of ribs and the muffled sobs from the next room as he rushed to get the lifesaving cart.

Armin ran down the halls with a red metal cart, dodging patients and staff as he tried to get to room 205. He arrived panting and quickly prepared the defibrillator for use. Dr. Zoe applied the gel as Armin took over CPR. "CLEAR" she shouted, prompting Armin to take his hands off her chest and hold them in the air. one shock, then two, then three... after the fourth they knew her heart was too weak to support her even if they did revive her. Dr. Zoe put the paddles back on the stand and with a quiet sigh, looked at her watch and said "time of death. 18:47." he stood in silence before turning off the monotone beep of the heart-rate monitor. the moment was surreal, Armin had never lost a patient before and this one? the one he had been treating and joking with for the past month? his hearing went dull, like it was under water, and he could only hear the subtle sobs and screams from the woman a few feet away from him.

After his shift ended; he still didn't feel right. his appetite had completely subsided from even being a relative thought, and he couldn't focus on anything, so he just went to bed without even saying goodnight to his roommate, Eren. Eren and him had both met in college while in the same Bio-med course. after being assigned a group project together they became inseparable. The catch, not that it really mattered, Eren was gay and very public with it. Thus, sparking the dating rumors that only recently died down. Armin even with his deep trust for Eren, hadn't come out to him yet and didn't plan to in the near future. See Armin wasn't the strongest guy and was deeply afraid of being jumped or even killed for being gay, so he figured it didn't need to be public knowledge.

Armin woke up to the sound of his Apple alarm blaring in his ear, making him jump a little. "shit" he thought as he remembered his early shift, forcing himself out of bed he padded to the kitchen where he started to pour a bowl of fruit loops. While getting the almond milk out of the fridge, he felt a little uneasy, sort of lightheaded even. He felt a pit in his stomach form and knew it wasn't anything to do with normal drowsiness, but he didn't have time to spare so he sat down to pour the milk into his bowl.


When he made it to the hospital that morning, he decided to grab a coffee from the cafe and wait for Eren to arrive. Once Eren was seated they talked about nothing with the weight more than that of a paper clip, until Armin spoke up breaking the comfortable silence caused by sipping drinks. "Do you have any theories on why my head might be spinning and I feel lightheaded? I just figured you might know seeing as you've chosen to specialize in neuro." Eren cocked his head to the side with a concerned look on his face. "Yea, I'll take a look, any other symptoms?" Armin hummed a "no" and shook his head. After checking his watch to see if he could do a quick evaluation on Armin, he concluded that he could and asked Armin to follow him to the exam rooms.


Eren soon took out his stethoscope and placed it on and around Armins chest, a slight blush appearing on both of their faces hoping the other wouldn't notice.


Eren soon completed the evaluation and said he looked fine from a neuro standpoint; Armin thanked him and Eren left the room. Armin still not convinced that everything was ok, he decided to be safe rather than sorry and run a few blood tests.

He knew he had high blood pressure and a family history with heart issues so his next theory, if neuro was ruled out, would be cardio. He hated wasting hospital materials but something in his gut told him he wasn't ok, and this wasn't just a low blood sugar thing it was something much deeper than he could ever bargain for.

A/N: cliffhanger? not really you already know what's about to happen.

Word count: 828

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