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"Hey, are you ok?" The brunette asked staring at Armins big blue eyes. "Yea, why do you ask?" He retorted with a puzzled tone. "You know why, please don't play dumb. I've been trying to wait until you felt a little you know, happier if that's the right term?" He said in a softer tone. They made eye contact before Armin glanced down at his fingers intertwining them in every way imaginable. A black void started forming in the bottom of his stomach, the feeling of dread came back and reminded him that his false sense of happiness was, indeed, false. "Oh, I mean I guess I feel alright, a little weaker, and I get cold faster but not anything terrible." This was his biggest lie yet, he was in constant pain, he was freezing, and every breath was becoming a struggle. "Ar, please stop lying, I can hear you physically straining to breath on your own." Eren tries to say this in the nicest way possible, but it would never come out this way. "Eren I'm fine!" He snapped but had to pause to catch his breath once again. "Please stop worrying, I'll be ok. I always am." Armins breath became shaky and ragged, his heart was pumping wildly in his chest, he wasn't going to be fine, and he knew it. "Bull shit man, I know what's happening, I know you're-" he was cut off before he could utter the last word. "Dying? yes I'm not stupid Er, I know that!" He all but yelled, before having to brace himself on his thin hospital bed to steady his breathing. 

"Ar..." Eren cooed as he walked over to Armin helping him to fit his over-ear breathing tube under his nose and tucking his hair behind his ears. "Scooch please," Eren said while making room for himself to fit next to the weaker male. Armin moved over to the right side and allowed Eren to sit next to him. After getting settled and under the blanket they brought from home, Eren says "I don't work today, do you want to just watch movies and lay around?" Armin nodded, somehow Eren knew exactly what he needed. 


"I just don't understand why she had to die." Eren wailed using his hands to emphasize his point. "I know, I know" Armin comforted. This was the 3rd time today that Eren convinced him to watch Grave of the Fireflies only for Eren to cry his eyes out and get snot everywhere. "Jesus, do you need a tissue?" Armin said utterly disgusted after Eren rubbed his snotty nose on Armins paper hospital gown. "Yes please" He answered starting to calm down. Eren wiped his nose and tried to throw the tissue into the trash can but missed horribly. "You're picking that up later you know that right" Armin questioned in more of a demanding tone. "Fine, Mom" he rolled his eyes to give the 'angsty teen' look to his statement. 

As it grew darker out, they began to feel the effects of today's crying. Sitting next to each other in bed now watching the Kardashians on Erens laptop because as it turned out it was Armins favorite show. "Why do you watch this stuff Ar?" Eren asked after Kim threw a tantrum over the smallest inconvenience. "I think it's funny to see the rich perspective of life." He responded in a sleepy voice, obviously ready to go to sleep for the night. "Hmm" Eren hummed as he placed his head on Armins shoulder. The latter jumped a little before settling into the affection. He turned to see what, if anything had prompted Eren to give out affection, instead of seeing a smile or a grin he was met with a frown. "Hey what's wrong?" asked Armin. "Just thinking." Eren whispered, obviously not wanting to talk about it. "Ok" Armin said closing his eyes and placing his head on top of Erens. 


It wasn't unusual for the pair to wake up in the same bed, they often did this before they could afford a second bed when they graduated college. It was however unusual to see an awestruck Hange standing in the door frame. Armin in his futile attempt to get her to go away, made 'threatening' faces at her. This however did absolutely nothing and she still entered the room squealing. Eren woke up to Hange jumping onto the foot of Armins bed, he stayed peaceful for a moment before jumping up and asking for the time. "Shit I have a morning shift today." He grabbed his shoes and ran to go apologize to his boss, who funnily enough was his sister, Mikasa.

"Soooooo, what was that about?" She inquired leaning closer to hear what she thought was a secret. "Hange, you do realize we're best friends, sharing a bed doesn't mean anything." He said as he sat up and placed his pillow behind his back. "Yea, but the tension." She elongated the 'n' with a smug grin plastered on her face. "There is no tension, you're just living vicariously through me." He flipped his hair to feign sass. "Rude!" She audibly gasped faking the hurt expression on her face. During the past few months of both working and being a resident in the hospital, they grew quite close and realized how good of friends they were. "Anyway, what's new in your life?" He asked, genuinely curious. "Well, I'm glad you asked, there has been something I need to tell you." She scooted closer to the Armin before practically screaming: "I proposed to Levi." Armin thought she couldn't act like any more of a teenage girl if she tried, she was now kicking her feet and covering her face. "No. Way." Armin dragged out. "How did you do it, and when did you do it." His face now lit up the way it was before his illness, bringing a shiver down Hange's spine. "You know how we went to go see that really famous waterfall a few hours from here?" She paused "I proposed to him when we were about to leave." "Aww" Armin replied, a smile warm enough to melt a snowman on his face. "When's the wedding!" He yelled, now more energetic than ever. "A year from now." Both of their smiles turned to frowns realizing Armin wouldn't be able to go. "Hey, don't feel guilty, just put a picture of me in the front row, it'll be like I'm there again." He put on a fake smile, still internally crushed by not being able to attend. She nodded and stood up, "Don't forget, I'll be back in here later tonight to give you your meds." She pointed at him before walking out of the door frame.

With no thoughts in his mind, not the good ones at least Armin tried to get up and make his way down to the neuro wing. It was hard work he ended up getting a wheelchair halfway through and attaching his IV bag to it. Once he arrived a slight smile appeared which looked odd on his pale sunken skin. This was only because he made eye contact with Eren. Eren was walking down the hall, rather running, actually, he looked like a little kid. He engulfed Armin in a hug careful not to rip his IV and oxygen out. "I missed you too?" Armin laughed while his feet dangled in the air. Eren set him down onto his wheelchair after a final squeeze. "Work was that rough?" Armin asked light heartedly. "You have no idea." The taller said while pushing Armins wheelchair around the wing.

They went around the wing a few times before ultimately settling on getting lunch from the cafeteria. 


"What do you want." Eren asked already knowing what the other would respond with. "Jell-O?" Armin said as he wheeled himself to their table. Eren gave a thumbs up and left to get into the line.  As anyone would do Armin pulled his phone out and scrolled through twitter before eventually checking on his idle-cat games.


Eren arrived with their food, handing the Jell-O to his counterpart. "What have you been up to today?" Eren inquires. "Oh, the usual, binge TV and gossip with Hange." He said picking at his food with his fork. "Did Hange tell you anything interesting, she always has something going on." he asked obliviously.  Armin nodded swallowing his food before saying "Yes, actually, do you remember my cardiologist?" Eren nodded so Armin continued "They're engaged now." He said as he slid a new piece of Jell-O into his mouth. "Wait, they were together?" Eren asked with his jaw dropped. "Mhm" the blonde hummed. "Since when?" He asked somehow more confused than the last time he spoke. "A while I guess, they told me a while ago at least but I'm unsure of when exactly it started." He took a deep breath and adjusted his oxygen to make sure he got enough. They went back and forth laughing and gossiping before deciding to wander around some more.


"Wait, aren't you still on your shift?" Armin asked turning around to face his designated 'pusher.' "Yea but they'll never know because if I'm pushing you, they think I'm working." A smile made a brief appearance on the brunettes' cheeks, before going back to his usual resting face. "Gasp, I've been used" Armin rests his hand on his face and disengages his neck. "How ever will I recover." He asks rhetorically. "Yea, yea, let's get you to your room gramps." he said in between laughs. "Rude" Armin states turning back to face forward.


Once they reach Armins room again, Armin stands from his chair and Eren hooks his IV bag back up. Without any words leaving their mouths they settle into bed the same as they had done the night before, this would soon become a part of their routine. 

A/N Dang it's getting fluffy, if you're a hospital AU reader I'm sure you understand what comes soon after this. Sorry not sorry I have several twists in mind so watch out. Again, I'll probably write another chapter tomorrow but who knows.

Word count: 1686

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