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The next morning, as they wake from their slumber the pair stays holding one another like they had done tons of times before. This one, it felt different. There were no words to describe it, it simply felt, right, like this is how they should wake up every day. After a few moments of cuddling, Eren decides it's a perfect day to go on a walk, or for Armin, rather a ride. Eren untangles himself from Armins grasp earning a curious look towards him. "What are you doing Er?" Armin asks rubbing his face to somehow wake up faster. The brunette says nothing and starts wheeling Armins, now permanent, wheelchair over. "It's too early for this Eren." Armin groans as he lays back down and closes his eyes. Eren simply does not care and mounts Armins IV drip onto the silver hook of the chair. "Get up, were going somewhere." He insists to the stubborn blonde desperately trying to go back to sleep. "Where are we going?" Armin asks, muffled by the blanket in front of his mouth. "You'll see when we get there, ok?" A slight silence filled the room until finally Armin gave in and got into his chair, Eren was quick to cover him with his blanket. "Onward!" Eren yells as he runs down the hall pushing Armin, laughing the whole way to the doors of the hospital. "Why are we at the front doors?" Asked Armin in a slightly concerned tone. "Gosh, be patient, we're almost there." Eren replies, clearly excited to show Armin what he had planned out. 


They arrive at the hospital courtyard where they find several garden beds. In these beds are several different colored tulips and carnations, truly a gorgeous sight if you've only seen the four walls of a hospital for a month. "Oh my god Eren its beautiful!" Armin said with his usual smile on his face where you could see his dimples clear as day. "Yea? I'm glad you like them, I bought them a few weeks ago and was waiting for the perfect time to show them to you." A blush rose to Erens face as he admitted to having done this so-called corny gesture. "You really are the best, you know that." Armin said, a rose tint brushed onto his cheekbones. "Shut up, you're so sappy." Eren stated to quickly change the subject. "Cry harder?" Armin teased. Eren started shaking the wheelchair, until Armin admitted defeat. "Fine, fine, you win. Seriously though, thank you." He answered turning back in his chair to see Erens face, who just so happened to be staring right back at him. The moment felt ethereal, not knowing what would come next, they both just stayed in this moment, not wanting it to end. The pair stared holes into each other's eyes, taking in every detail and every spec of pigment. 'His eyes really are gorgeous' Armin thought while staring into the others determined turquoise eyes. This was the moment, this was do or die, sink or swim, this was their opportunity to confess their undying love. Armin slowly started moving his legs onto the chair to gain some height back compared to Eren. He cupped his other halfs' face not caring who saw or how Eren felt. He needed to do this before he died.  Eren when he eventually caught on to what Armin was doing leaned in, wrapping his arms on Armins waist clasping his fingers on the small of his back. After one more moment of staring they learned in and connected the gap between them. Since their first meeting in sophomore Bio-Med this had been the unknowing end goal. 



Armin walked into the massive lecture hall filled with close to one hundred students, nervous on where to sit or if he should just drop out. He started walking out of the hall, too intimidated to continue his career goal, he saw a cute brunette in the back right hand corner, intriguing him enough to face his fears and sit next to him. On this fateful day, they might not have known it then, but this was where they needed to be, this was what whatever higher power had planned. "Hi... I'm Armin, is it ok if I sit here?" Armin asked clearly shaking. "Yea, sure, I'm Eren by the way." he replied moving his bag to the floor to make room for his new friend. no other words needed to be said, they were best friends ever since then. spending every waking second with one another, even requesting to change roommates so they could room together. The pair was inseparable.


The kiss was soft, and gentle, given the emotion behind it. To others this was just a simple kiss that couples shared to say hello or goodbye, but to them? This was their worlds colliding, everything they knew now made sense, everything they once were confused about or uncertain about they now knew. 

The gap reopened, but their hands stay where they are with their foreheads resting on another. "I didn't know you were gay?" Eren questioned light heartedly. "Oh, shut up." Armin said giving a light shake to erens cheeks with his hands. God did he love Erens cheekbones, they might possibly have been the hottest thing about him. After a few more kisses, Armin sat back in his chair and pointed at a bench a few meters away from them indicating he wanted to sit on it. Eren pushed him over to the bench and helped him stand up to sit on said bench. Once on the bench, Eren wrapped his arm around Armin and clasped their hands together. They stayed like this for a few moments before Eren insists on ruining the silence. "So, what's your favorite color?" He asked even though he's known for about 10 years now. Without saying a word Armin turned to him and dropped his jaw. "What the fuck Eren, we were having such a cute moment and you ask me information you already know." Armin said genuinely confused on how he got through nursing school with a single brain cell. "I need it for a surprise, and I don't want it to be wrong." Eren responded squeezing Armins hand to let him know he was sincere.  "Blue." He replied with an eyeroll. "Thank you!" The brunette said, more excitedly than one might have thought. They looked at the flowers for a few more minutes before heading back up to the hospital room that was starting to feel like home.


"Hey, just letting you know, I'm going to run some errands, and won't be back before you go to sleep so don't wait up." Eren got up from his spot next to his un-official lover and slid his shoes on. "Thats fine, what do you have to do though?" Armin replied wondering what would take him four hours to complete. "I have to run home and change the laundry, get more groceries, and work on the surprise." He said as he tied the last lace on his shoe. Eren shoved his keys in his pocket and walked to the other side of the bed to place a kiss on Armins forehead. "Bye, drive safe!" Armin called out to Eren who now was in the door frame. To which Eren responded by blowing a kiss and making a heart with his hands before finally taking his leave.

Armin logged onto Erens laptop and began quite literally keeping up with the Kardashians. He watched a few hours' worth of episodes and closed the laptop in an attempt to prepare for sleep. he rolled over onto his side and closed his eyes, even with his mind racing with thoughts of the previous day's events, eventually he drifted off into the peaceful bliss of sleep.

A/N GUYS I DID IT THEY KISSED!!!! I literally sat at my desk for fifteen minutes trying to decide if I wanted to make them kiss or make you guys wait. Don't worry it will get sad eventually, keep that in mind if it seems too fluffy to be real. 

Word count: 1349

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