Epilogue: Eight years later...

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MAJOR TW!!!!! Do not read if the following are sensitive topics in your life: Suicide, Gender dysphoria, Homelessness, Narcotics, Addiction, Alcoholism, Light transphobia, Overdose, and of course death. enjoy!


It had been eight years since the passing of Armins dearly beloved, and the grief hadn't subsided. Not just from Erens untimely death, but from the deaths of his friends. He didn't blame them for the lives they led now, but he was hurt by a lot of their actions. I mean who was he to talk he quit his practice after that incident and had lived on the streets ever since, panhandling to get by. How he got there was the real kicker though...


After the new death of his lifetime companion, and with no success on finding an apartment, he moved in with Hange. This wouldn't have been an issue if Hange wasn't battling demons of her own, or should I say their own. Hange was in the midst of a gender crisis, and the combined pain and disgust of looking in the mirror, they also were having trouble with Levi. Levi, a wonderful supportive man wasn't as progressive as one might think. He ridiculed Hange and kicked them out of his apartment when they came out. Thus, led to their suicide a month and a half later. The coroner said it was a miracle they didn't die sooner, from the broken and inflamed ribs on their chest. Most likely from over binding.

The funeral was a nice arrangement, small, quaint, elegant. Only close friends showed, excluding Levi. Levi was on a bender that weekend and slept through the service.

He too had been upset by his decision to throw Hange out, truly, to his core, he missed his companion. After educating himself on the matter once they left, the guilt rang through his heart like a bell rings through a steeple. Unable to cope with such loss he turned to the only thing he knew would make him numb: Alcohol.

While Levi was slowly drinking himself into a coma, Dr. Smith, also known to close friends as Erwin, was going down the tricky slope of addiction. His sister had died which led to his role in pharmaceuticals to be exploited, falling prey to the growing opioid epidemic. Though, through his grieving process and his reliance on Oxycodone, he suffered in silence never letting his work slip, or the facade he wore in the from of a smile everyday. As most things do, it came to an end, about a year or two after Erens death.

body count: 2
remainder: 4

Those numbers almost foreshadowing in the fragile, and unhinged Levi's mind, almost begging to even the score. The truth, Levi had been on the edge ever since Erwins death had plagued the news paper. Headlines of 'Heroic doctor dead after opioid overdose, another victim of the opioid epidemic.' Invaded his mind and attacking his brain like a parasite to its host, feeding off the others loss.

Parasite. A commonly misused word, its true definition being the relationship of two beings: one gains and one loses. The parasite in question: The need to place a twelve gauge down ones throat. Usually this can be combated with therapies, or antidepressants, but Levi? He had nothing, no one to live for, making his decision essentially a no brain-er.

So, on one cool autumn night Levi drowned his sorrows in another bottle of cheap whiskey, and wrote a note comprising the words

'To the first responders reading this: there was no other choice, there was nothing left. You most likely found me because the neighbors reported an odd smell coming from my decomposing body. Please understand that this was what I wanted, no, what I needed. I own a plot of land at the cemetery closest to my apartment. Bury me there and forget the atrocities i've committed against the one gir-I mean person that loved me. Don't have them drop flowers, I dont deserve that. Just let me enter the bliss of death and rest eternally in hell. - Levi Ackerman'

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