Ch. 14 The Renewed Tsunade

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Move Tsunade!' Jiraiya thought as he watched Orochimaru's blade descend upon the immobilized Tsunade. The sage gritted his teeth when he saw that Tsunade was still frozen in fear and knew that she would be dead unless she did something.

"Wind Style: Wind Wave!"

Orochimaru turned his face to see a kunai speeding towards his face. The snake summoner quickly moved his head up to dodge the kunai, giving Jiraiya the perfect opportunity to take Tsunade away. The sage quickly leapt towards Tsunade before taking her hand and leading her away from the snake summoner. He would need to assure the safety of her and Shizune before going back to help Naruto.

"You won't get away!" Orochimaru yelled as a snake came out of his mouth again and sped off towards Jiraiya but before it could get far the snake was cut in half by Naruto's blade. "You!" Orochimaru spat in anger, the same brat that had ruined his plans in Konoha was about to sabotage his plans of killing Tsunade.

"Wind Style: Devastation!" Naruto yelled as a violent wind came out of his mouth, hitting Orochimaru full force. The snake summoner proved to be a legendary ninja and broke through the attack with little trouble. The blond gritted his teeth and got into his favorite hand sign, "Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

Orochimaru frowned as thousands of Naruto copies filled the room, the damned brat was way too annoying. The snake summoner returned the snake into his mouth and took the sword on hand, he had had enough.

Naruto didn't know what else to do. He was up against a legendary ninja and was running out of options in just a few seconds. His plan was to stall Orochimaru with his clones and look for an opening though he knew that he had no chance of beating the legendary ninja. What he had to do was wait until Jiraiya got back if not then he was dead, simple as that.

"Die," Orochimaru said with a snarl as he swung the blade. Naruto was taken aback by the attack but his eyes widened when he noticed that the sword was expanding until it was about thirty feet long. With one simple swing all of the clones were dispelled leaving the real Naruto exposed to the snake summoner, "Got you."

Orochimaru appeared before Naruto in a show of pure speed, and before the blond could react he received a punch on his stomach, knocking the air out of him. The Chunin gasped in pain before being kicked on the face, the blond felt part of his jaw shatter from the power behind the kick before sailing through the air and crashing against one of the walls painfully. The blond fell limply on the ground with most of his strength gone.

Pain was all Naruto knew at the moment. His whole jaw ached horribly and blood flowed freely from his mouth, he still hadn't caught his breath from the punch on his stomach, and he had hit the back of his head against the wall, giving him a painful headache. It was no wonder that Orochimaru was considered legendary, in less than a minute he had left him in such a state.

Orochimaru chuckled in amusement. "Here I thought you would put up a little fight," he walked towards Naruto's fallen form and raised his sword, "I didn't want to kill you at first since I found you amusing but you have run my patience."

The sword descended upon Naruto. The blond couldn't do anything except close his eyes, he had no more strength to fight back and would need to do something he hated. His only choice would be to use it and in order to do it, he would need concentration. He concentrated until demonic chakra pumped through his system and his eyes snapped open.

Jiraiya and Tsunade ran through the halls of Orochimaru's base with an unconscious Shizune hanging from Jiraiya's shoulder. The sage had to find an exit quick before going back to help Naruto, he wouldn't last long against Orochimaru. He was ashamed of himself for leaving him on his own but knew that the blond wanted to buy him some time. He was brought out of his musings when he saw sunlight at the end of the hall.

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