Ch. 8 Gaara's True Power

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"Dammit," Tayuya cursed with a snarl. The one-eyed jonin would be a strong foe. He was Kakashi, a man who was said to have copied over a thousand jutsu. Fighting someone like him would be suicide even if all of the Sound Four fought together.

"We have no choice but to escape," Sakon whispered to his two teammates, "Jirobo, you will carry Kidomaru while I buy us some time."

The big sound ninja nodded in understanding while Sakon got into a fighting stance. If he could get his brother inside of Kakashi then their escape would be successful. He would need a distraction to get close, the jonin wouldn't mind him being close since he doubted that Kakashi knew about his bloodline. Tayuya would be useful in distracting the jonin with her genjutsu but Kakashi's sharingan would see through it. Going into the curse seal level two was out of the question since Orochimaru had forbidden them from using it during the invasion.

"Nice to see that you're communicating with your team," Kakashi said with an eye-smile, "Why don't you stay on the village so you can teach my team a thing or two about teamwork?"

'Damn! He's just messing with us,' Sakon thought with a frown. He glanced at his teammates and saw that Jirobo was getting ready to sprint to Kidomaru's fallen form while Tayuya stood near him, 'At least those two are in position.'

With a nod to his teammates, Sakon charged at Kakashi. The sound ninja tried to punch Kakashi but the jonin dimply leaned to the right. He tried a kick but Kakashi jumped over his leg before delivering a kick of his own. Sakon sailed through the air but managed to regain his balance and landed on the ground safely.

Jirobo slung Kidomaru's unconscious body over his shoulder and gave a firm nod to Tayuya. The kunoichi smirked, they were ready.

Sakon charged at Kakashi once more. The jonin inwardly sighed; the sound ninja didn't know how to control their emotions. They were skilled but letting emotions control their actions was a big disadvantage

The sound shinobi threw a punch that Kakashi caught easily. Sakon smirked before received a backhand to the face. He felt some teeth leave his mouth as he was knocked back by the strong strike. He was finally knocked against the ground but managed to smirk.

Kakashi's eyes narrowed when he saw Sakon smirk. Something was off but the jonin didn't know what. He felt his hand twitch involuntarily before it reached into his kunai holster. The hand pulled out a kunai and put it to his neck.

Sakon chuckled. "I got you," he said with an evil smirk, "My brother and I have a bloodline that lets us go inside other people's bodies and control them."

"Your brother?" Kakashi asked in confusion.

A head came out of Kakashi's shoulder and grinned. "Yes, a brother," Ukon said before running the kunai through Kakashi's neck.

Gaara's sand shot at Sasuke from all directions. Sasuke used his enhanced speed to dodge the sand. Gaara glared as the sand continued chasing after the Uchiha. His mother would get the blood she wanted. Sasuke could run all he wanted but his mother would quench her thirst in the end.

Sasuke gritted his teeth as he rolled on the ground in order to avoid another shot of sand. Gaara was attacking from all directions and not giving him time to counter. If he wanted to hurt the sand ninja then he had to drop his enhanced speed. Doing this would leave him vulnerable to attacks but it would give him the power he needed to bring Gaara down.

The Uchiha jumped up a tree before coming to a rest on a branch. He ran through hand signs and put a hand on his mouth. "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!"

A large ball of flame shot out of Sasuke's mouth. The fireball flew towards Gaara but before the attack could hurt the redhead, a large wall created of sand appeared before him. The fireball clashed against the wall of sand before bursting and creating a large explosion.

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