"Trust me,she wouldn't stand right infront of you if she didn't want to protect you two" Electra touched the screen, she wishes she could hold him, confort him in her usual way with a lot of hugs.

"Maybe she only did it cause..of you" he looked away. Electra sighed. "You two will get a long, i promise" she assured him again.

Robert wished he could hug her, hold her hand even.

"I hope you're right love"


"So how are you?" Bella asked. "I'm great, really into this pizza" he chewed on his food. Bella giggled. "You got chesse all over your face" she pointed out.

He whiped his face. "How's everything with your glumy boyfriend?" he asked. She smiled, knowing why he used that specific word.

"He's fine, we write to eachother, and face time a lot. I can't wait to see him" she sighed. Johnny's smile faded.

He still doesn't like the idea of Kai and Bella dating, but he doesn't have much of a choise. "That's nice" he said.

They got closer after the hole championships thing. He always said that he'll go on a 7 hour ride just to see her.

She knew why he said that.

"I'm still suprised he didn't manage to find anytime to see you in person" Johnny cleaned his plate. "J, we were both super busy, he had his championships i had my things going on. We both understand" she said.

"Well, i found time to see you in person even tho i was busy, just saying" he reminded. She rolled her eyes. "I could be a better boyfriend too" he mumbled.

"Sorry?" she raised a brow. "Nothing-" he almost dropped his phone. Bella laughed. "Jeez J watch your phone" she said. "Yeah yeah" he rubbed his head.

He looked at her face. She looked happy,her checks getting all pink like always when she's happy. He felt his face go red,he didn't want to see her sad,she doesn't desreve it.

"Aw,your checks are red J"

"What! No they're not"

"Haha, it's cute"




Bella fixed her white crop top. They were ready to head back to Japan. "I can't wait to see dad, he said he's gonna be there for a while before going back home" Electra said.

"Yeah me too" Bella was exited. "You have to tell dad that i'll come late. I have to see Tyson and the others first" Bella smiled. "Yeah yeah" Electra brushed it off.

The two got on to the plane and they were ready to go.


The flight was peacefull as much as it could be since of the fans of both of the girls. "Man, that flight was something" Bella waved her hand in front of her face, she was warm.

"Be glad there weren't much fans, it could have been worse" Electra reminded.

They noticed Mr. Johnson and his father, Mr. Arnold, Ashley and Sebastian waiting for them.

Mr. Arnold was a very short, round man, with the mustache. He looked a lot like Mr. Dickenson, they weren't related.

Ashley was a tall, blonde woman with a bit of pink on her right side. Mr. Johnson and her a dating right now and Bella was making fun of him for it.

Sebastian was also a very tall, older man with a long mustache. For a while, She was questioning how her dad surrounded himself with tall people.

Mr. Arnold used to be tall in his youth but started shrinking.

🥀What If I Told You That I Love You🥀 Book 2 (RE-WRITE)Where stories live. Discover now