The bar is in the shade of a round table and not many people are seated.A middle aged man sits there talking to his friend I assumed lady who looks like she's going through a mid life crisis and the Louis and I.

On any other day,I would look for someone to get laid butt I don't think I can,considering my injures.

"What have I missed?"I ask Louis as he gets excited."You have missed a hell lot.Hmm who should we start with?"Louis asks as he taps his chin and I chuckle at how excited he looks.

"Yep,so ever since we found Tonio,him and Maeve haven't been really close.I mean they are. close but sometimes like in the hospital  room ,he gives her this look.I don't know it's weird.Then him and Bella are closer than ever and I was going bat-shit crazy cause you weren't't there.Ooooo Ric and Mae have been getting cozy, what I saw in the car today most likely blinded my eyes but yeah."Louis says and I smile but my smile seems fake.

Bella and Tonio are getting closer huh?

Antonio must've heard something about Maeve and confronted her about it.I'll find out what it is soon enough.

"Been interesting  in the house.How's Leo?"I ask my mind going to one of my favourite children, well sometimes.He can also be a pain in the ass and he does that shit on purpose."His alright,worried about you but made a new friend.There was a child captive with Tonio and now she's under our care for a bit."Louis points out as he takes another gulp of another shot.

I nod my head, smiling knowing he isn't alone.

"Ugh I am tired,so I'm gonna go to the club.I might come home with you or with someone else but don't you worry little Grinch,I will let you know."Louis gives me a wink and salute as he walks over to the back, the kitchen where he will go through another door and to the party.

I should follow him but he'll be okay plus there's camera's everywhere and I'm cozy with the owner so she will call me once she notices Louis is gone.

I roll my shoulders as Jimmy pours more whisky into my glass."Rough nights?"He asks as he pours and I give a small smirk,"Just the usual bullshit."

He laughs while shaking his head and walks away.Jimmy is about 18 years give or take and isn't meant to be working here but he was desperate.He needs money for his mother who's really sick, his a good kid.

Never takes big tips from people but I always manage to sneak in a few into his bag, he always helps the guys or ladies who are to drunk to stand and listens to everyone's life stories.Sometimes he even takes day shifts but that's rare and when I get here sometimes I see him struggling with some homework so I help him while Louis handles the bar.

Hopefully this world doesn't corrupt another good soul.

I feel someone settle a seat from me and I turn my head slightly to see a woman with blond hair in all black.Black leather pants,a black corset that might be a bit small in the bust but you do you boo,a black leather jacket and black heels.

I can't see her face as she hangs her head down but as if she can feel someone staring she lifts her head up.Scarlet red paints her lips and her blue cold eyes, blue like the sky blue.Skin as soft as a babies ass and I smirk as her eyes meet mine,a snarl on her lips.

"What the fuck are you looking at?"She asks, an American accent I notice."Just observing..."I say, a smirk still playing on my lips and turn my head to my drink.A group of people cheer and I take a gulp, feeling the stinging sensation in my throat.

My eyes lift to see her ordering another drink, tequila."Rough night?"I ask.She looks up with a snarl but it quickly turns into a smirk."Say's you, seems like a rough year."

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