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Daciana went back downstairs and decided to break it up with the guys. It was already 9pm and she needed her mate to come to bed with her.

"Alright party's over. Everyone go home." She said and put off the TV.

"Come on Luna. We were really enjoying that match." Drake complained.

"She's right tho. It's 9:15 already, better run home." Brian said standing up.

"Good night guys. Don't forget we're going to the Riverside Pack tommorrow." Alex said as he went to hug his mate.

"Yes Alpha." Drake and Brian both replied before leaving.

"You guys are going to another Pack tommorrow?" Alana asked wrapping her arms around his neck. Alex took to kissing her neck.

"Hmm. You and Alana are coming with too." Alex replied still kissing her.

"Why?" Daciana asked. Since she arrived here three years ago, she had never left the pack. She hadn't even gone to the human world.

"The Alpha is celebrating the birth of his heir. For 15 years he only ever had daughters. His mate just put to bed a baby boy. He has invited hundreds of Alphas with their Lunas, pups, Betas and Gammas. We were invited too." Alex explained.

"Oh." Daciana replied and Alex carried her bridal style.

"Let's go to bed." He said.

"You know I probably weigh a ton with a pup inside of me?" Daciana said and Alex chuckled.

"You're as light as a leaf to me." He said as he walked up the stairs.

The next day, Daciana wore a sky blue dress and a jacket as it was cold. She then wore a black wedge shoe. Alex wore a grey long sleeved shirt and black joggers and a white pair of converse.

Daciana dressed Alana into a white shirt and jean trouser and then a pink hoodie and a pair of white sneakers.

They ate breakfast and went to the car. Drake and Brian were already outside waiting for them.

"Good morning to my favorite family." Drake greeted.

"Morning, Alpha, Luna and little pup." Brian greeted.

"Morning." Alex and Daciana replied.

"Oncu Bian! Oncu dake!"(Uncle Brian! Uncle Drake!) Alana ran up to them and Brian carried her.

"You guys ready?" Alex asked and they nodded. Alex got in the driver's seat of his Lexus Rx and Brian sat at the passenger seat in front.

Daciana sat at the back with Drake and Alana in her car seater in the middle.

The ride to Riverside Pack took 3 hours. The pack was really far away from theirs.

"Dada, are wye threre wyet?" (Dada, are we there yet?) Alana asked feeling tired of been seated in one position for over two hours.

It was her first time traveling and she didn't find it fun.

"We're almost there princess, just a few more minutes." Alex assured her looking at her through the rearview mirror.

"Om." Alana muttered and looked at her mother who was fast asleep.

"Momma!" She called making Daciana wake up.

"Yes Angel?" She asked tiredly. She looked around to see they were surrounded by bushes.

"Am hungwry." Alana said frowning.

"Someone's really having a grumpy ride." Drake said. He had been listening to music on his head phone but Alana was been too noisy now.

"Alright Angel." Daciana said and took out some snacks from the baby bag on the floor between her legs.

As the journey continued, Daciana had this Deja Vu feeling. She was sure she had never been to this place before but it felt too familiar to her.

Her old pack was Blood moon Pack not Riverside Pack. She was very sure of it.

If she hadn't been to this place before then why did she have this feeling. She kept on questioning herself looking around the place.

"We've arrived." Alex announced.

The pack's border was infiltrated with different vehicles and werewolves. Alex drove in and parked at an open space near a Mango tree.

The whole place was filled with werewolves walking here and there.

"Guess we're late." Brian who slept through the entire journey said.

"I don't think so. The party's by 1pm. It's only 11:55am." Alex said. They all started getting out of the car. Daciana now knew why she'd been feeling strange.

This was her old pack, the place she lived for six years. The place she learned to love the two people who abandoned her.

"Al." She called silently. Her voice was cracking, she wanted to cry but she wouldn't.

"Yes baby?" Alex replied holding her hand.

"This..this pack. Was it once called Blood moon Pack?" She asked.

"Yes. It was but it was changed ten years ago. Why? Hold on how did you know?" Alex asked.

"My old pack was Blood moon Pack. This is my old pack Alex." Daciana said. Alex's eyes widened.

"What? Are you sure?" He asked. Drake was holding Alana and speaking to Brian so they were completely oblivious of what their Alpha and Luna were discussing.

"Yes I am. On our way here, I had this feeling of Deja Vu. When we reached the pack's border, I knew it wasn't just in my imagination. This is my old pack were I was born." Daciana said.

"You're alright. We'll leave as soon as the party's over. I wouldn't let anyone hurt you." Alex assured her hugging her.

"Let's go." He said and they all headed towards the pack house to greet the Alpha and Luna.

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