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Alex made bacon and eggs while Daciana sat and watched him cook.

She could really get used to this, she thought as she watched him walk around the kitchen with grace and confidence. He had once again taken off his shirt and wearing the apron.

He was looking hot as always.

Soon he was done cooking and they ate in a comfortable silence.

Alex took his bath and went out to check the preparations for the party. Daciana wanted to go with him but he insisted it was dangerous and he'll be back soon so they could go shopping.

Daciana was now in the library going through some books. She was amazed by how Alex had different collection of books from all genres she could imagine.

She loved romance and historical fiction so she settled by the side of the ceiling to floor window, which gave a perfect view of the garden outside.

She was reading a romance novel and was so immersed in it that she had no idea when Alex walked in.

He leaned down behind her and went through the words in the novel smiling. Daciana felt his presence and turned around shocked.

"Alex!" She yelped and almost fell out of her chair. Alex held her before she could hit the ground.

"That looked interesting." He said smiling sheepishly.

Daciana looked flustered and hid the book behind her shyly.

"I didn't know you loved eroticas much. You didn't even notice me coming in." Alex said making Daciana blush. She looked down unable to meet his gaze.

"I was bored so..." She paused looking even more flustered.

Alex just kept smiling down at his cute mate. She was really cute, looking all shy and flustered. He held her chin up to look at him and placed a kiss on her lips.

"I was just teasing you. You don't have to feel so worked up." He said making Daciana smile. She pulled herself into his arms, the book dropping at the impact.

Alex hugged her tightly.

"I missed you." Daciana said.

"Me too." He replied. "Let's go shopping now. My parents will be here any moment from now." He said and pulled from the hug.

"Okay." Daciana replied, nervous about meeting his parents.

She went upstairs to change into something much decent for going out. Alex was waiting outside by the car.

When she came out, she saw him making calls. Even when he wasn't working, he still got calls concerning work. Her mate sure was a busy man. She thought.

She walked to him and he put his phone away and led her inside the car. They passed by a few houses and a huge clearing before they reached a big supermarket.

It was nice how Alex's pack had everything. Daciana remembered back at her old pack, they didn't have any supermarket so they had to go to a town nearby the pack for shopping.

They got down from the car and went into the supermarket. Werewolves passing by bowed in respect to the Alpha. They wondered who Daciana was but didn't question it and just headed their way.

Alex was holding her hand smiling. "Everyone thinks we look good together, don't you think?" Alex whispered into her ear making Daciana blush for the hundredth time since she met him.

"We should get you the best of everything here." Alex said once they reached the isle for female clothing.

Daciana blinked at him unbelievably. He wasn't really planning on buying everything on that rack was he?

"What? You don't trust your mate's ability? Don't forget am the richest dude in this pack and you just happen to be my mate, so let me spoil you rotten." Alex said as he turned to the rack filled with expensive designer clothes.

"You don't have to spend so much on my clothing." Daciana said. Alex ignored her as he handed her a purple off-the-shoulder tail gown.

"Try this on." He said nudging her towards the changing room behind them. She smiled and took the dress before going to the changing room.

Alex was looking through more clothes when she came out. She looked as stunning as one could imagine and Alex's jaw dropped at how beautiful she looked. Even the attendant that had been watching them in the corner, was in awe by how amazing Daciana looked.

"You look lovely, baby." Alex said proudly. Daciana blushed and went to take a blue dress he was holding.

"Let me try this on." She said.

They spent over an hour there trying on different clothes and when it was time to pay, Daciana couldn't believe how much they'd be taking home.

With the number of clothes he bought, Daciana wouldn't need to repeat clothes for more than a month.

They stuffed their shopping bags in the trunk and went home.

When they got home, Alex took all the shopping bags upstairs not letting Daciana carry any, insisting they were too heavy for her which obviously was a lie, but Daciana didn't argue with him knowing he was very persistent.

Daciana was busy arranging the newly bought clothes in the closet while Alex was on his phone again.

The doorbell rang and Daciana knew his parents had arrived. She felt her heart skip a beat.

She didn't know why she felt so nervous about meeting his parents. It must be because after her biological parents abandoned her, she felt his parents would also not like her for some reason....

"Ana, baby. My parents are here. Let's go see them." Alex said from the bedroom.

Daciana's heart raced. She took a deep breath and walked outside to meet Alex. She had prepared herself for the worst.

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