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Daciana wondered why her mate whose name she learnt was Alexander didn't live in the pack house.

She decided to ask him once they were in his car.

"Why don't you live here?" She asked.

"I like my privacy." He said simply and smiled at her.

Daciana nodded and looked out the window. It was really beautiful in this pack she had to admit.

"You can ask me anything." He said.

"Where are your parents?" She asked curiously.

"They're at the neighbouring pack which recently got involved in a fire outbreak. They'll be returning tomorrow just in time for your welcoming party." He said looking at her. He couldn't seem to stop staring at her.

It was almost as if he couldn't believe she was there.

"You should keep your eyes on the road while driving." Daciana said shyly. She wasn't the shy type but this guy was bringing out my latent qualities.

"Right." Alex said smiling and faced the road.

"Am so glad I found you Ana." Alex said.

Daciana was happy with the way Alex called her name, it made her feel loved and it reminded her of her mother who always called her Ciana or Pumpkin. The thought of her mother made her smile sadly.

Alex noticed her sad expression and became worried.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"I just remembered my mom." Daciana admitted.

"Don't worry, we'd go visit her together in Paris sometime." That left Daciana wondering how he knew about her mother been in Paris.

"Marco told me everything." Alex said as if reading her mind.

"Oh." Daciana said.

Soon they arrived at a beautiful Villa. If Daciana thought the pack house was marvelling, then this was just perfect.

She liked the thought of her living here. They got down from the car and Daciana walked towards the entrance of the huge two storey building while Alex brought down her luggage which he had earlier gotten from Marco's trunk.

"Amazing right?" He asked smiling down at her.

"Yeah." Daciana said as Alex walked ahead of her and she followed suit.

The interiors was more elegant compared to that of the pack house. It was white which worried Daciana at the thought of little children staining the walls.

She blushed at the thought of kids knowing she'd have little pups with Alex someday.

She shook her head at what she was thinking right now.

Alex led them upstairs to the master bedroom, their room.

It was as huge as her old room and living room combined. Daciana was truly amazed by how beautiful the room looked. The king sized bed was enough to lay ten people. The curtains and bedsheets were all white.

Alex must really love white. Daciana thought.

"Am sorry Ana. I'll have to leave you now, I have urgent pack meeting to attend to, and I need to make arrangements for your welcoming party. Brian and Shirley will be here soon to keep you company." Alex said, pained he had to leave his mate.

"Party?" Daciana asked.

"Yeah, I mentioned it to you before. Every new Luna is always welcomed with a party. You sure have a lot to learn." Alex smiled and placed a kiss on her lips leaving Daciana surprised.

He waved at her and left the room.

Daciana was still flustered by the unexpected kiss. It was just a  simple peck on the lips but it meant much more to her. Her wolf also felt excited.

She guessed now she was in a pack and with her mate, she'd be feeling her wolf more often.

She sat on the bed and giggled at it's softness. She wondered how Alex slept in this huge bed alone. She couldn't wait to sleep on it.

She walked around and noticed there was a large plasma TV on the wall opposite the bed. She noticed two doors in the room and checked them out.

The first led to the bathroom which was as huge as her old room and bathroom put together. It had a huge jacuzzi and lots of shampoos and bath soaps and different other items she hadn't really seen before.

She went to the second door which led to a walk in closet. It was huge with two racks on either side of the room.

One side was filled with different variety of men clothing. The other side was empty which she supposed was hers. She decided to unpack as she had nothing to do really.

Once she was done, she heard the doorbell chime and supposed it was Brian and Shirley. She rush downstairs to get the door.

"Hi best friend!" Shirley said as soon as she opened the door. They hadn't even known each other for an hour and they were already best friends. Daciana smiled.

"Hi Daci." Brian greeted casually. They all walked towards the large living room and sat down.

"I still can't believe you're my brother's mate. Am so glad!" Shirley said happily.

"You know, I don't think I'll ever get bored with you around." Daciana said smiling.

"Of course not! You're the only girl have ever been this close with. Other girls keep their distance simply because am the former Alpha's daughter and current Alpha's sister." Shirley said and rolled her eyes. Daciana laughed at her behavior.

"Thank you so much for bringing her home Brian." Shirley said turning to Brian.

"You don't have to thank me for that." Brian said smiling. He was fixated on his phone.

Daciana noticed he had been quiet most of the time but decided to brush it off as him been shocked by all what happened.

She looked at Shirley who was now pestering Brian who now seemed irritated. She smiled at this.

She likes this new life. A new life with new friends and her mate. She missed him already.

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