Zoning Out

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It's been a week ever since I last saw Kai. After he left from my apartment I have never seen him again.

It seems like he is avoiding me. Usually every lunch he will wait for me outside the classroom or in the dining table. For the past few days I haven't able to approach him It's either I have no clue where he is or he's with his friends which I don't wanna be with.

Asking my self I somehow miss his presence. I am always a loner here at our school. Because of Aera people hated me here saying that I don't fit their standard. I had always been the victim of those higher years just because I choose to not to argue with them.

When Kamal transferred here, even though he makes my day hard or just use me as a doll It somehow feels nice to have someone beside you.

I sighed snapping out from my day dreams as the bell rang. Since he had been avoiding me I will not bother to think about him anymore.

Standing up I went to the school cafeteria. I earned some money the past days since I open my shop every night. Because of Kai I wasn't able to open it anymore but since he was not talking to me I had the chance to open it.

Entering the cafeteria the first thing I did was to get some proper lunch. Looking for a place to sit in I saw Kai at the table we used to sit in.

He's with a girl. The girl wasn't even sitting on a chair but on Kamal's lap...How disgusting. Instead of cringing I just went and sit to a vacant table.

It turns out that the only table that is available is a 2 tables away for Kai. Having no choice I just ignore how they flirt Infront of me.

As I was eating someone appeared in front of me. "Hey" I was still processing what's happening and my mouth was still full so I just raised my brows as a reply to the guy.

"May I sit here? There aren't any tables anymore so..." I stared at the guy who is looking like a white fox. "I mean if you don't want to it's fine" he smiled at me with his eyes disappearing

Swallowing the food in my mouth. "Uhhm yeahh sure" I agreed still in shock that someone talked to me. "I'm Jeongin by the way" he again smiled giving his hand for me to shake.

"Y/n" I replied as I take his hands "Yeahh.. I know" how can't he not know me? Almost everyone know me cause they like to make fun of me. "Smart girl right? I admire you for your brains" he continues as he started to eat.

With what he said I can't help but smile. "thanks" that's the last thing I said as I ate as well.

It was really award to have someone who is not Kai to eat with me. "It seems like you're not with your boyfriend" Jeongin asked making me look at him.

Sighing "he's not my boyfriend" I argued rolling my eyes at him "wait what? You two looked like a couple to me" he teased.

"Well now you know" rolling my eyes again he just laughed "Since you two are not together can we be friends?" He asked

With his question I cought "You want to be friends? With me?" Dazed pointing my self for I can't believe what I heard.


"Deal!!!!" Smiling wide Jeongin laughed. "Aiggoo you're so cute" he teased and suddenly pinched my cheeks that made me flinch away from him.

I'm still not comfortable when guys hold me "I'm sorry...I was just shock"  he just I smiled at me "Don't worry I know" with what Jeongin said I was able to breathe. 

After having a lunch with Jeongin I went back to my classroom. I even tried to go past Kamal's classroom hoping this time he'll call me but as I go past through I only saw him hugging the girl earlier. Tch what a play boy indeed.

The way he hugged her was very different from the way he holds me. It seems like he was holding her with lust. Gosh! why am I even comparing? Like why do I even care about the way he holds her? I already know this time will come where he'll throw me away so I shouldn't be bother.

"MS. JEON!!!!" I heard a loud voice calling me


I snapped back to reality that exact moment "What do you mean Huh? I HAD BEEN CALLING YOU TO ANSWER MY QUESTION MS. JEON" our teacher said and it is very noticeable that he's mad. My classmates were also laughing.

Why was I zoning out? ughh!!! "Sorry sir" I apologize and looked at the board. "Uhmm Outlining is a way of making a structure or the framework when writing." I answered

"Look Y/n just because you're smart doesn't mean you can lay around my class and not listen. Please go to detention " My eyes widened wait what?

Did he just asked me to go to detention? fuck him! I have never been there ever nor dreamed to be there. I'm starting to hate this school more.

Going straight to the detention I sighed. Why is my day so bad!!! this is all Kamal's fault
ever since he ignored me my mind kept on thinking about things. I hate him! I hate how I am bothered by him tch. As I enter someone familiar caught my eyes.

Hello my friendships! Did you guys waited for this update? sorry it took a while since I'm figuring out how to connect it to the climax😌 I swear to you guys that the best parts are coming soon🥰

-Lovelotss Aggg

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