" They are good, commander. Seems like most of them are skilled in hand combat. Some wolves are competent."

" Seems like they will get promoted soon. Make sure to report me if  you notice another aggressive behavior from any trainees." Jimin became silent for a few seconds.

" I apologize for what happened earlier. I will make sure that kind of atrocious behavior won't happen again by any trainees."

" You don't have to apologize. None of it is your fault. And keep an eye on that particular trainee. I don't want him to be my headache. By the way what was his name?"

" I don't know yet commander. I only remember some of them. Nevertheless, I learn everyone bit by bit."

" Then let me take my leave. Let's meet in the evening." Jimin nodded and bowed, about to turn around. But noticed something.

" Uhm. You look so energetic today."

" Is it?" The prince tilted his head curiously." What makes you think like that?"

" Not sure commander. But you seem glowing. You were exhausted a while ago. Today you seem more......healthy? I guess." jungkook chuckled.

" Thank you jimin. Let's continue this chat in the evening. Now go to the field." jimin bowed and went. The royal prince shifted his gaze to the sky and took a deep breath of  fresh morning air.

' I hope for the best. Moon goddess, bless me  good luck.'

"What was that?" Chanyeol asked without looking at Taehyung.

Sparing ended after the very incident in the morning. The soldiers lead them to a big hall where they got some lessons about the importance of mental strength. Most of the trainees were glancing at him a bit throughout the class which go unnoticed by taehyung. But not chanyeol. The Blue Moon alpha finds it very boring. So he was dozing throughout the class. After the session they got a break.

Now chanyeol and taehyung are watching the young alpha girls doing swordplay on the field near their hall. The field and the hall are separated by a fence. So the two of them leaned against the fence watching the fight.

"What?" Taehyung asked dumbfounded.

" In the morning."

" Oh ." He definitely has no idea how to answer that. What got him to react like that? He was asking himself. But this weird reaction and atrocity were so common for him when he was back in Blue Moon.

" I....I don't know why I reacted like that. It's kind of difficult to answer. I mean..-"

" You don't have to answer if you are not comfortable. Take your time."

They kept silent for a while. The silence was relaxing but at the same time annoying. Well what is he gonna say? ' I used to chop  other wolves head whenever they charges at me back in my pack?' Definitely not. He should understand that this is no longer his pack.

" If sehun report you, it delays your promotion. Let's pray to savaleer that he won't do that. Or go and personally apologize to him."

" I....... won't. It's embarrassing to face him."

" Do you mind staying here for longer?"

" Of course I do."

" Then better go and apologize. The longer you hesitate to do that, it will take time to get promoted which means you will stay longer than necessary."  Taehyung gulped. His pride is not allowing it, neither he want to stay there.

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