Chapter 17 For better or for worse"

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Where is he ?!" Lexy asked the doctor who came out .
"He's in a recovery room but he is still not awake .
"I don't care , can I , can we see him ?" Lexy asked .
"Right this way." The doctor escorts  them to the room .
" prepare yourself , he probably looks a little different right now." The doctor added.
Lexy entered the room first. She gasped and almost turned around but Keyshawn came Into the room to support her . He had tubes all over and his face was swollen . He was connected to a ventilator.
"Baby, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere . I told you to be safe . You can't leave me . I need you to wake up . Please this can't be the end for us ." Lexy said, bawling almost hyperventilating.
"Let's go take a walk and we will come back ." Keyshawn suggested .
As they left the room , Lexy heard Murda tell Woddy and Cliff , when the police come to question us, we know nothing . We handling this shit my way." Murda said .
"Your way ?! This is what got him shot !" Lexy screamed at Murda .
"Idk what kinda shit y'all wrapped in but if T dont make it , y'all gon have to deal with me !" Lexy said walking off .
"You think I don't love him too ?! I ain't want this shit to happen !" Murda yelled .
"Lexy it's my-" Cliff started .
"Be quiet bae . I got this . This ain't your fault ." Murda whispered to her entering the room with Woddy .
Murda leans over Teak to talk to him .
" Nigga, you better pull through . We got so much shit to do , you have so much shit to do . This is my fault . I'm so sorry . This ain't how you suppose to go , wake up please. I love you bwoy." Murda said between tears.
"Don't worry nigga it's being taken care of right now whether you make it or not." Woddy said, turning to follow Murda out the room.
The detective  made it to the hospital and began questioning everyone . They stuck to their story that they were only in town for a concert and were ambushed on the way out and didn't know who the men were .
"Well if I have any other questions , I'll follow up and I do hope your friend pulls through." The detective said pointing to the window .
Once Lexy and Key came back they discussed their next move .
"Listen we canceling the rest of the shows for now . Teak is our priority . We can stay in the hotel and take turns visiting him . He should never be left here alone." Murda said
"I'm not leaving till he wakes up! I don't care how long it takes  ! Lexy said.
"You might need a break at some point ." Keyshawn offered.
"No I don't , I need to be here with him when he first wakes up." Lexy insists ,walking back to the room to sit in the chair .
"Let her stay. We can still come and take turns." Woddy suggested.
"Aight Lexy we are going to the hotel to shower and one of us will be back later." Keyshawn said
" Stay strong for him girl ." Key added following Woddy down the hall.
"Woddy I wanted to tell you something. You know the second guy that was with Cliff's ex? I have this feeling it was Derrick ."
"Well how sure are you because he did  sound white now that you mentioned it." Woddy asked.
"Woddy I've been with Derrick for years , i know it's him. Plus he didn't even call me today , almost like he didn't need to because he knew for sure where I was ." Key confirmed.
"Well im just confirming because we bout to light that other nigga up which means we gotta do the same to Derrick . How do you feel about that?"Woddy  asked.
"It would be a dream come true." Key said, kissing him.
"Well consider it done." Woddy said .
For a week the Fram took turns coming to see Teak. Lexy kept her word and never left his side . She ate , showered and slept in that room.
She was told by a nurse that even unresponsive people can still hear so she played some of his favorite music sometimes and always talked to him .
"Baby please come back to me. I know you are in there . You hear me . You know I haven't left your side. I need you . I love you . I've always loved you and always will. I don't care how bad it is . I'll be here . For better or worse." Lexy pleaded.

"So do you have eyes on the nigga or not ?" Murda asked one of his trusted brothers from his gang .
"Yea nigga, I see the house . I been casing it . It looks like it's just his and his mom. Are you sure you want me to do this with his mom in the house?" The man asked .
"I don't give a fuck if Jesus in the house , he fucked with two people I love , blow that bitch DA FUCK up! Make sure your hands clean, I don't need this shit coming back to us." Murda said, hanging up the phone.
"Baby , you don't think this is a little much?" Cliff asked Murda.
" You want this nigga to keep bothering you ? No? Okay then . I'm protecting you and doing what Teak would do for me." Murda said rubbin his forehead.
"Now let's go see Teak." Murda added.

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