Chapter 1 "Ghost from the past"

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" A True Love Story Never Dies, Or Does It?"

Murda's in the back of the hearse rapping "Champagne Campaign"  practicing for his first  performance on the "Dirty Dozen Tour" as the hearse starts to slow down.
"What's going on, why we stopping nigguh?" Murda asked trying to peek out the window
"You'll see nigguh" Woddy said with a sly smile.
As they exit the vehicle, Murda sees they are outside the Chucalissa Penitentiary.
"Why we here?" Murda asked with a confused look.
Woddy points to the gates that are slowly opening . Out comes a slow roll walking man with nothing but a clear bag , some paperwork and a bright smile. Murda's  eyes widen and  no one can see but his heart is literally beating out of his chest !
"Nigguh!" Big Teak exclaimed, walking up to Murda as they embraced. That embrace was a long time coming and it was an intimate moment between the two of them.
"Nigguh I can't believe they let yo ass out" Murda said
"Shidd me either but feeling the sunlight on my face is all the confirmation I need." Teak said as he looked up at the clear blue sky. It was the perfect day to gain freedom.
"Woddy!" Teak motioned as he looked over. "Good looking out my G"
"You know I always have yall nigguhs back, I mean if I don't , who else will?"
"preciate it." Teak said as he entered the hearse behind Murda.
"Moonpies? I aint had one of these since shidd ion even know! Hand it here!" Teak says excitedly.
In the hearse , everyone is having a good time , reminiscing , smoking and turning up as they drive to the first city on the Dirty Dozen Tour, New Orleans.

As they pull up to the Holiday Inn, Woddy lets them know he will go inside to get room keys and he will let them know when they can come inside. As he exits the hearse , Keyshawn looks over a Teak and asks " So how do you know Murda and Woddy, from the skreets or sum?"  Murda interjects " Well we know each other from way back in the day. Us three amigos have been holding each other down for a Mississippi minute."  "Yeaaa" Teak agreed but gives Murda a confused look. Woddy comes back to let them know they are ready to go inside and hands them the room keys. Everyone is on the fifth floor across from each other, making it easier to stay in contact and tabs on these muthfuckas. As they exit the elevators, everyone goes to their respective rooms and gets settled in before heading out to find something to eat.

As Teak enters his room, he takes a minute to take it all in. He hasn't slept in a real bed in at least 10 years and these beds look comfy den a muthafucka. He then sits down on his bed to gather his thoughts,
" Man it feels too good to finally be out. Seeing my nigguh Murda made the day even more special. I wondered what he'd been up to all this time, glad to see my nigguh finally doing what he loves. I remember him sending me his rhymes on those crusty napkins when I was in the hole. Them ryhmes kept a nigguh alive, literally. No matter how much light is around me, I feel like I'm always alone in the dark , just like when I was a kid in that closet. I love this nigguh . I love that he's happy and I love how happy he makes me, but something just feels "off" but a nigguh could be trippin .
Teak finally leaves his his thoughts temporarily to take a hot shower in hopes of relaxing his mind and heart.

Murda rolls him a fat blunt and sits on the bed to gather himself and his thoughts;

"Teak finally out, who would've thought. Woddy couldve warned a nigguh tho. I'm surprised and nigguh dont know how to really feel. I just know my heart fell to my stomach when I saw him. I felt like I was back behind them bars,writing rhymes and thinkin up romantic shit to woo this nigguh. He always said that our love kept him alive and I never told him but the feeling was mutual."
His thoughts are interrupted by the txt notification on his phone.

Cliff: "Bwoy! I see you on tour, I hope everything goes well. Dont forget about us lil nigguhs in Chucalissa. I know we aint been talking but I guess a girl misses you and wanted to check in on you . Truth is, I've been missing you, just wanted you to know."

Murda knew for sure it would be a Mississippi minute before hearing from Cliff but to his surprise, she reached out to him sooner than he thought.

As Murda begins to reply back there's a knock at the door. When he opens it ,Teak stands before him.
"Hey nigguh , you busy? mind if I come inside?"
"Nah I ain't busy." Murda motions inside the room.

Murda sits down and begins to reply to Cliff;
"Surprised to hear from you but thank you for well wishes. I hope errythang goes well too . We are in New Orleans now . This city too turnt. I'm sorry about everything and I miss you too, so much" but as he writes that line he looks up at Teak and they lock eyes. The gaze was so long that it sent a chill up both their spines.

There's another knock at the door. As Murda opens the door , he sees Woddy who says " Lets go find some food , nigguhs is hungry!"

Woddy decided to rent a car so they didnt put too many miles on the hearse, besides it looks crazy enough riding round in that thang all the time. Even though it was late, there were still plenty of food places open because New Orleans is the "we never close destination" besides Vegas. Anything you're in the mood for you can find here at any time.
" I found this wing place downtown. I think we should check it out, let's put their  lemon pepper wings to the test" Woody offered as they drove on the interstate. Woddy and Murda had this thing where no matter where they went they would try a wing place to see if their lemon peppers were better than the Hot Wing Castle who they swore had the best wings in the world.
"I'm down! I can fuck some wings up right now anyways" Keyshawn said sitting in the passenger seat.
"Nigguhs luhh wings" Teak added.
"Sayless then," Murda confirmed .
As they pull up to We Dats downtown, they take in the atmosphere before going inside.
"Damn it smells good in here! Murda hollered as they approached the window to order.  After ordering they found a corner booth to sit in and smashed their wings.
"I don't know Murda these wings give the Hot Wing Castle a run for their money" Woddy said while literally ripping the meat of the bone with his teeth.
"yea yea nigguh you may be right" Murda agreed.
Teak and keyshawn nodded in agreement.
" I wanna try one of those famous handgrenades everyone says you gotta try when you come here!"Keyshawn exclaimed.
" Go hit Bourbon St. , they have the best ones." The owner of the restaurant replied.
"Aight bet, thanks man. your wings was bussin too" Woddy said as they gathered their stuff to leave.
Bourbon wasn't too far from the restaurant so they left the car parked and walked . Little Tropical Isle sells the best hand grenades on Bourbon and BWOY did they not miss! Everyone was thinking they could handle drinking two but they were damn near on their ass after one.
"Lil Murda dass you?" a girl yelled from down the street "I saw your sexy ass on the gram and i bought tickets to your concert, can I take a picture with you?"
" Sure lil mama" Murda said coolly.
She hands the phone to Teak  looking at the Iphone like a foreign object . He then hands it to Keyshawn who nods at him understanding what he means without saying it.
"Yall ready? 123 SMILE"
Thank you so much the girl said excitedly walking off.
"Im sleepy, yall ready? Plus I want to all Derrick to see the kids"
"Yup lets go yall." Woddy agreed.
They were almost to the car when three niggas walked passed them, one bumpin LIl Murda.
"Fake ass nigga , you dont even live up to your name loose grill having ass, this a real nigga city!"
"THE FUCK YOU SAID?" Teak hollered now standing in front of Murda.
"I'll lay all three of you nigguhs out right now, you fuckin with the wrong nigguhs"
Teak's apperance is enough to bend a few niggas out of shape so with that they walked off .
"See that's why I put your honey skinned ass on the team! Aint nobody fuckin with you nigguh"
Teak nods as he gets in the backseat with Murda.
On the drive home everyone doses off except Teak . He's always in his thoughts but today he has an added comfort with Murda sitting next to him who has now fallen asleep and laid his head on his chest. As Teak begins to reminisce , Murda's phone vibrates indicating that someone is txting. As he looks down he sees the name " Chocolate Kiss" with a kiss face emoji as the reply. Teak's heart begins to race and he closes his eyes to in attempt to calm himself down.

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