Ch 25. The Batman in Japan

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North Pacific Ocean, Sunday, 20 June. 01.42 am

As the plane cruised at a steady altitude, Hisashi's mind wandered to when he had first told his son about the trip. Izuku had begged him to stay, pleading that he couldn't bear to be without his father for so long. But Hisashi had brushed off his son's concerns, assuring him that he would be back soon enough. But the guilt had eaten at him all throughout his journey, threatening to consume him with its insistent pangs.

It wasn't just the distance from his son that was bothering him, the "business" he had to attend to also weighed heavily on his mind. Hisashi was a man of few words and even fewer emotions, but the nature of his work was almost always dangerous. He had tried to shield his son from the darker aspects of his job, but it seemed that Izuku had always been able to sense that there was much more going on than what he was being told.

Hisashi's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his phone beeping, and he quickly reached for it. There, he saw a message from Izuku, expressing his worry and concern for his father, as well as his eagerness to join him in Japan.

Izuku: I just want to say that I'm feeling worried and would like to talk to you, Dad. Could you please contact me as soon as possible? Thanks, Dad.

The message took him by surprise, but it also made him feel a warmth and love at the thought of his son caring for him so deeply. It was a reminder of how connected they were, despite the physical distance between them. 

Hisahi: Thank you for your concern son, I will call you soon, when I have arrived.

He typed a quick reply, thanking his son for his kind words, and feeling grateful for the bond they shared. The message lingered in his mind long after he had put down his phone.

But he knew that he couldn't let his emotions cloud his judgement now. Hisashi had been sworn to secrecy about his true profession, and he would do anything to protect his family, even if it meant staying away from them for long periods of time.

Hisashi had always felt that he was destined for greatness ever since he got his quirk. He had always felt a certain sense of superiority over his peers, and as he grew older, he became more and more convinced that he possessed something special - something that would allow him to conquer the world.

That something was his quirk - a powerful ability that allowed him to manipulate the elements with ease. With his quirk, he felt invincible - like nothing could stand in his way.

But then he became a father, and everything changed. His son Izuku was born, and from that moment on, Hisashi knew that he had a new purpose in life. He wanted to be the best father he could be for his son, to protect him and teach him and help him grow into a strong and kind individual.

For a while, he struggled to reconcile these two conflicting desires - the desire for power and the desire for love. But eventually, he realized that he had to choose, and he chose his son. He gave up his dream of world domination and became a hero for his son instead, using his powers to fight for the greater good.

Still, he knows that he made the right decision. He knows that being a good father is more important than anything else, and he's wanted to do it right this time. He may not be a villain or a dictator anymore, but he's still Hisashi - and he's still have the quirk, still powerful. And now he's using that power for the people he cares more than his life.

He'd make sure there was nothing bad will happen to his son, even if it meant putting himself in harm's way. With every fiber of his being, he was willing to shield his child from danger and pain. This time around, he wasn't motivated by his own personal gain or thirst for power. He was doing it solely to protect his family and the people who mattered most in his life.

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