Ch 12.

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3rd POV


Is some thing that you can't see, can't see anything around darkness, but can still feel it the darkness. Is like you are walking in the middle of a warehouse looking for what you want, but you can't see it only feel it.

That is what Tenko and Izuku feels right now. Now we see Tenko and Izuku is tied to a chair side by side, blindfolded. And they are in an room with no one there so they can hear only them both struggling to escape.

Izuku trying to break free from tied chair : Damn it

Tenko : Izuku ?, you there ?

Izuku : Yeah, it's me man, Where are you ?

Tenko : It sounds like you are right besides me

Izuku : Good to know, *struggle to escape* are you out now ?

Tenko : No, not yet looks like we have been handcuffed to a chair, and we can't see each other because there some blindfold in my eyes

Izuku : Yeah me too. Aren't you trying to escape from here or what ?

Tenko : *sighs* Don't know how bro

Izuku : So you just gonna give up now you idiot ?

Tenko : No, I'm not gonna give up now *struggle to escape from the handcuffs, and he relize something* Wait a minute, *trying to feel if he is wearing gloves*, I don't use my glove's

Izuku : Then do something with your special power man, Try to turn the chair into dust and then might one of your hand is free.

Tenko : Good Idea, *decaying the Armrest on the chair* Almost there, *Armrest decayed* Yess got one, *open his blindfold* Finally, *shocked that he is in an empty dark room with a little light in top of him* Shit

Izuku still blindfolded : What the hell did you see man ?, From what I hear it's not a good one

Tenko : I think we better get out of here, *decaying Izuku's Handcuffs* before something worst happens

Izuku And Tenko finally free from tied in a chair Izuku was shocked when he saw that both of them in an interrogation room like in the movies but with out a table

Izuku : Let's get the hell out of here *Walking to the door*

Tenko : Hell yeah, let's go *follow's Izuku*

But when Izuku and tenko about to get out of the room, both of them get's zapped by a taser gun from behind, and before they both lose consciousness, they saw is a guy waring an armor with black and orange as the base color, and a man in a total black armor.


In Japan

Location : I-Island

In Japan we see a blonde hair girl with glasses in a lab, in her room, is working on a combat-suit, a girl name Melissa Shield is working on her combat-suit, Because her hero Inspiration is a quirkless hero who Fighting the crime with out a quirk, and people is still wondering what is his real quirk, because he never shows anything about his quirk and she was hoping that Izuku, Her older cousin (not by blood) become the first quirkless hero.

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