Ch 2. Accepting life Pt 2

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Narrator POV

For 10 years straightf Izuku's life was miserable he had to do whatever it takes to survive, cook his own food, treat his burns, and his stab wounds. And and he is still getting a little attention by his grandfather (Grand Trino), grandmother (Recovery Girl), uncles (Nezu, Aizawa, Enji, Masarou), his aunts (Mitsuki, Rei, Nemuri, Yu), and his older brother (Touya, Natsuo, Fuyumi), and his secret friend (Ochako and Camie).

He also trains him self such as, 100 Push-ups, 100 Sit-Ups, 100 Pull-Ups, And 2 Km Runs, and martial arts without stopping every mornings, days, afternoons, and nights. And also he learned how to hack a system, studied Electrical circuits and cybernetics. And now Izuku can lift 100 kg, secretly steal money in All Might's bank account with out getting noticed and Always take notes for hero analysis.

Aldera Junior High

Now Izuku is in class with "His Brother and Friends". The teacher comes in with a pile of papers

Teacher : Alright kids, you are in 3rd grade, but I think you should have thought of a plan for college

It makes all the students complain

Teacher : Ah, I'm just kidding you all want to be heroes, I know it!, So cheer up cheerfully!!

At that moment all the students used their own quirks to cheer cheerfully. Then Katsuki stood at his desk and said that he and his squad would be heroes No. 1 and surpassed All Might.

Then that stupid teacher smirked at Izuku

Teacher : *smirks* So, Izuku don't you also want to go to UA University ? *hides smirk*

Izuku : *calm* Yeah, so what ?

At that time all the students in the class laughed at Izuku because of him, The Quirkless Deku also wanted to go to UA University.

Rs 1 : Oh please, This Deku can't even protect him self

Rs 3 : Yeah, like the last time Bakugo punch him in the face

Izuku : *lazy tone* said the person whose house was robbed 2 days ago

Everyone was very surprised at what he said, this is the first time they saw Izuku turn things around and make Rs 3 speechless


Katsumi : *slams in to Izuku's desk with explosion* BITCH PLEASE DEKU JUST GIVE UP BEING A HERO


Shoto : UA will never accepted some one like you, Deku !!!

Shoka : What make's you think you are going to be a hero Deku ?!

Everyone roasts Izuku, until Izuku asks them back

Izuku : *calm* And what make's YOU think that you all going to be A damn Hero ?


Izuku : All I see here Just a bully and abuser, But guess what do you think that your Quirks can save you ?

Rs 2 : Yeah it can save us

Rs 4 : More than YOU a quirkless loser

Izuku : Then tell me, What is a Small thing that can Kill you all in a long distance with out any second thought ?

The students are silence and shaking in fear

Izuku : Silence yeah, The answer is a Bullet, a bullet is a small little thing that can kill you with out a second thought. *stand up* I can kill ANY of You assholes

Izumi : *shaking in fear, but pretend to be brave* What makes you think you can kill US, Deku ?

Shoto : We all have quirk's but you don't have any !

Izuku : Guess who has notes on quirks, It was ME, I know your quirks works, and how the way you think. That means I know how to KILL. YOU. ALL *leaves the calss *

Teacher : I - Izuku Yagi get back to your seat or you I will suspend You !

Izuku : *manacing look* Go a head I dont give a damn about any of you assholes *leaving the claas*

Izumi : Why is he suddenly acting like this?, argh... I'll find out later

Later with Izuku

On the way "home" Izuku saw a group of 3 people cornering a girl with a spiky ponytail

Thug 1 : Come oh sweetie let's have some fun ~

Thug 3 : Yeah we promise we'll be gentle ~

Ponytail girl : Please, just leave me alone !!

When the third thug about to tuch her shoulders Izuku rushed to the guy and kick's the thug's right in the face

Izuku : She said "NO"

Thug 3 : *wipes blood from nose* Who the hell is this kid ?, Get him !!

When the second thug about to grab Izuku's hair he turned towards that person and punching his nuts and make him scream in pain holding his nuts

Thug 1 : What the *grab knife pocket*, This end's now kid

Then the first thug about to stab Izuku from behind he roud kick's him in the head knocking him out. When two of the thug's are down Izuku looking at the third thug with a gaze that could kill him.

Thug 3 : Fuck it I'm out of here *running away*

Izuku then grab's one brick and throw it to the thug's head knocking him out. And then Izuku approach the girl asking if she is okay.

Izuku : You okay ?

Ponytail girl : *hugs him* Yeah, thank you for saving me

Izuku : *blushed* Okay then, *clears throat* So what's your name by the way ?

Momo : *breaks hug* Oh sorry about that, Im Momo Yayorozu

Izuku : Izuku Yagi, pleasure to meet you. So if I may know why did you get surrounded like that ?

Momo : Well I was on my way home then this guys came and I'm sure they about to do "things"

Izuku : *smiles brightly* Well I'm glad your okay, come on I'll escort you home

Momo : *blushed* Oh thank you Izuku. Oh god please let him be my future husband

Timeskip Yayorozu household

Izuku : This is it, Home sweet home

Momo : Thank You so much Izuku, I hope we can meet again *give her number and winks*

Izuku : *blushed* W - W - Well your welcome, I need to get home now

Momo : It's okay, *wishper* call me ~ *runs to her house*

Izuku : Alright it's time to go "home"

To Be Continued

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