Life Tip #13- A House is Not Always a Home

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He walked down the hallway alone, towards his locker.

Black Sharpie stood out against ugly orange lockers.


"How creative," Magnus mumbled. He didn't need anything from his locker anyways.

He turned around, finding himself face to face with half of the defensive line. Alec had played offense when football had been in season.

"They sent six of you to beat up little 'ole me?" Magnus asked. He ducked just as the first one swung a punch. Someone grabbed him by the back of his shirt. He could only hear the tearing of seams before he was slammed against the locker, covering up the graffiti.

He braced for a blow to the face but Jace Herondale stopped it, catching someone's fist before it could hit Magnus.

Alec was shouting at Pete Skander. Magnus couldn't make out his exact words. Blood was pounding in his ears.

Then Alec's hand found Magnus', pulling him away from the crowd.


"Jace will handle them," Alec said. "We're getting out of here."

"Are you--"

"Fine," Alec said, curtly. He was holding the duffle bag full of clothes in the other hand.

"Did they--"

"Yes," Alec said. "I talked to a janitor. They'll be replacing the locker doors but it'll just happen again."

"I know," Magnus mumbled. Alec pushed open the door and heat hit them like a wave.

They went straight for Magnus' car. Alec drove. Magnus stared at the window, giving the occasional direction to his house in the middle of nowhere.

They pulled up to the mobile home a little after three. There was another car parked under the car park.

"Don't block her in," Magnus said. Alec listened. He shut off the car but they didn't get out.

"I called NYU," Alec said.

"You've been busy--"

"They've accepted my enrollment. I start in the fall."


"Thank you," Alec said.

The car was silent again. The summer heat was beginning to seep into the car.

"If you don't come with me--" Alec started.

"Of course I am," Magnus said.

"Only 12 more days," Alec said.

"That's 9 days of school."

"I called Luke. He said we could continue to stay at his place as long as wanted," Alec said.

"I love you."

Alec's head snapped to look at Magnus. Magnus was looking at his feet, his worn leather combat boots, in particular.

"Magnus, look at me," Alec said. Magnus looked up and over at Alec. "I love you. We're going to start over in New York. We just have to get there first."

"In the mean time, you should probably meet JoAnn," Magnus said. He opened the car door.


A part of Alec was expecting the trailer to be a mess with empty bottles of alcohol lying everywhere.

But when he walked inside, to find it clean, he remember that this was Magnus' home. And Magnus' perfectionism wouldn't allow him to keep the house a mess.

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