Life Tip #6- Get Over Yourself

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It was Tuesday.

Magnus hadn't heard from Alec and Alec hadn't contacted Magnus.

It was slowly killing them both; Magnus was dying to know what Alec was thinking about and Alec was slowly choking on his own fear.

Magnus watched Alec from across the lunchroom, in a manner he believed to be discreet.

"Stop staring," Cat snapped. Magnus looked up at her. "And just text him already!"

"He said he'd text me," Magnus hissed.

"Well obviously he's not," Cat said.

Magnus sighed and pulled out his phone, staring at the screen.

Now he didn't know what to say.

"Say 'hi.'"

"Stop reading my mind," Magnus said.

"Or is 'hi' too casual considering you hooked up--"

"We did not hook up," Magnus said.

"Well, I'm sure you thought about it," Cat said.

"He's probably straight," Magnus huffed.

"Straight as a slinky--"


"Magnus--" She snatched his phone out of his hands.

Magnus cried out but she ignored him, typing out a quick text before sitting on his phone.

"Deal with it," she said. Then she went back to her lunch as if she hadn't ruined everything.


Alec's phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled himself away from the insipid conversation Jace was having with Clary and the rest of their lunch table.

He sneaked a glance at his phone, hoping it was Magnus.

And it was.

12:35 pm- M: Hi.

Alec looked across the lunchroom.


Alec was looking at him.

Was that a smile?


12:35 pm- Alec: Hey

12:36 pm- Magnus: So this weekend. . .

12:36 pm- Alec: Same plan?

12:37 pm- Magnus: Sounds good.


So that was how Magnus ended up back in a strange club, filled with stranger characters, feeling completely out of place but finally at home with Alexander Lightwood at his side.

He stood out in the crowd, watching as last minute preparations were made on a pitch-black stage.

Then they were on stage and a creepy melody began to play on the piano. The lights came up and there was Alec, looking better than ever.

Magnus felt light-headed.

"She paints her fingers with a close precision

He starts to notice empty bottles of gin

And takes a moment to assess the sins she's paid for

A lonely speaker in a conversation

Her words were swimming through his ears again

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