Part 23: Jack

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Hannibal's POV

The morning sunlight creaked through the curtains, hitting my wooden floors yet keeping Grace and I hidden in the dark, on my bed. I leaned over on my side to view Graces back facing me, her soft slumbers. I have encountered many people in my life, all of different shapes and sizes mentally and physically yet I have never met someone like Grace. As beautiful as she is, how can one be so mentally deluded to kill someone in no control? It does make me ponder what else she has up her sleeve, yet she's simply too intriguing to run away from. I gently caressed the fallen hair strands away from her face and behind her ear, revealing her beauty to me that I missed throughout the night. She inherited her fathers jawline, that I know for sure. His mother was the one holding the best organs between the two of them, yet there were still many rotten ones - spoilt goods. Suddenly, Grace let out a little twitch under me. Then, she squinted open an eye and turned to see me, revealing her morning face which was a little amusing I must say.

Graces POV

Hannibal chuckled to himself, seeing my unbrushed hair and bothered face.

"What?" I grumbled to him, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand.

"Nothing. Nothing at all dear" he promised me, leaning away from me and sitting up on the bed, his back against the bed frame revealing his bare chest and pyjama pants which rested just under his hips, the top of his V line revealed. I then joined him by sitting up on the bed, revealing my pyjama shorts and vest.
"How did you sleep?" He questioned, slanting his head over at me. I just scoffed to myself, itching my scalp.

"Um, I still can't forget about Kenny" I confessed, shaking my head to myself. At this rate, I didn't know if I was informing him this as my therapist or as my friend? Or my friend-friend.
"I didn't know I was capable of something like that and it terrifies me everyday" I let out a shudder at the word 'terrifies' as its worse than that, I always have the paranoia I'll hurt my children one day or even Hannibal after one petty trigger.

"You hurt someone who hurt you, I say it was an act of self defence" Hannibal attempted to cheer me, placing his hand on my upper thigh giving it a squeeze - even though he did it for comfort, I felt something else to that. I then raised my head up at him, seeing him closer than he was before, staring into my deep blue eyes as I stared into his dark brown eyes.
"You may not believe me, but I know crazy when I see crazy and Grace, you are not crazy" he promised me, speaking with clear words - his rough hand still on my thigh. I giggled up at him, titling my head.

"So I'm sane?" I questioned back, raising an eyebrow.

"In many cases, the crazed ones take no notice of their behaviour as it it's apart of their norm. You have this developed through your trauma, beginning with your parents then Mia" he told me, speaking like he would do in his therapy chairs. His eyes scanned for a reaction however I didn't have one.
"My diagnosis is not crazy" he added on, attempting to lift the humour in this dark atmosphere.

"So what would my treatment be for not crazy" I teased, subtly biting my bottom lip up at him. A tiny smirk developed at one end of his lip, his eyes running up and down me.

"I have a few in mind" he teased back, lifting up my chin with his hand and delicately placing his lips over mine. Now this time I won't allow my hallucinations to stop this moment, they've done it one too many times. In a swift motion, he grabbed me by my hips and pulled me onto his lap, my core against his. I deepened our kiss with more passion, cupping his face with two hands as he placed one hand on my waist and lower back, sometimes feeling my ass. Then, he broke our kiss for a moment, his eyes full of lust.
"Of course, treatment has stages" he raised a finger up at me, teasing. I sat up still on top of him, slanting my head down at him. Then, his hand began to fiddle with my vest.
"How do you feel on this development?" He hinted, lifting my top to my belly button as his impatient eyes scanned for approval. With hesitation, I nodded my head and he swiftly took off my top, throwing it somewhere across the room. Instantly, I felt so small again like the night after the opera. I know Hannibal doesn't judge, or rush yet I still feel shy. I hid my nipples from him, covering them with my palm. He raised an eyebrow up at me, tilting his head.

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