Part 7: Mia

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"Stop! Stop!" I screamed at him frantically, my hands waving at him to stop, however he didn't. He continued on smashing my phone under his foot on the curb. He gave it one last stomp, then revealed my mess of a phone, it's screen all cracked and bent in half. He let out a shuddered sigh, slicking back his hair as he bit his lips in frustration.
"ARE YOU HAPPY?!" I screamed again. However, he let out a scoff, one hand in his pocket. He swayed some steps over to me, which made me freeze in place, my wide eyes showing nothing but fear and regret. He stopped inches away from my face, seeming to get some sick pleasure out of my panic. He then raised a finger and pointed it close to my face. I swallowed a lump of fright, my eyes looking Intently into his hazel eyes.

"You dare... not tell me where you again... this won't be some fuckin' phone" he promised me, going to stroke my cheek with his index finger even though he saw me flinch away from his touch.
"You stupid alki" he suddenly grabbed my face, pulling it close to him. My breathing now became tense, as my brain was screaming at me to run away but it was like I was glued to this sideway.

"Hey, asshole!" Mia shouted behind him. He spun around, however a punch landed on his face causing him to fall onto his ass.

"Gracie?" Clem knocked 2 times on my bedroom door before walking in. I peered over my nightstand to see the time was 7AM. Normally, I'm the one to awaken Clementine. She then revealed her little self to me, showing off her pyjamas I used to wear throughout my childhood. She held her favourite teddy in her hands, swinging it side to side gently. Then, Sprout waltzed in, panting slightly with a waggy tail, seating herself by Clementine who stroked her head.

"Hey, baby. How'd you sleep?" I asked her, bracing myself before rolling out of bed and heading over to collect my uniform for the day off my chair.

"Good" she smiled, her innocent eyes taking in my every move.
"Did you sleep good?" She added on, tilting her head up at me while I slipped on my pants. I froze for a moment before zipping up my flyers, since it's been a very long time since I had a good nights sleep.

"Also good" I smiled at her. She then gave me a big smile back, doing a little jump of glee.
"V told me to tell you that he's made breakfast for us, you have eggs on toast downstairs" she informed me, about to walk out with sprout by her side.

"He made breakfast?" I repeated her words to her, an eyebrow raised since it's not often someone else has done breakfast for me. She turned her head around, nodding her head then shut the door behind her. I turned my head back in front of myself, puzzled in place before I grabbed my shirt off the floor. As I raised my head up, I noticed a missing piece to my wall of Polaroid photos. I picked off some blue tak from where the photo of him and I once was stuck in place, however all that's left is empty space with some stained wall. What the fuck is this day already?


I hopped downstairs, currently putting my hair into a ponytail and made my way into The kitchen, to be greeted by the sight of Vinny and Clem snacking on some eggs on toast. He turned his head over to me once he heard my footsteps approaching, giving me a weak smile. I returned him the same favour and went to see if my eggs on toast was as good as it smells, however I heard a cough. Then, I noticed my dad eating a serving himself on eggs on toast, a cigarette in his hands and a coffee by his side as he did so.

"Ah" is all I managed to say to myself, which caught his attention. He gave me an eggy smirk, raising his coffee cup at me however I replied with a look up and down.

"I tried to stop him" Vincent grunted to me, rolling his eyes. I waved my hand at him, shrugging him off while I swooped in to steal my dads coffee.

"Ey!" He coughed up, reaching his hand out to his cup but I jumped out the way, taking a sip of this boiled shit.

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