Part 13: Opera

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"So, who is this.. Tess?" Hannibal asked while he was throwing a tie over his neck, facing the mirror. Whereas I was by his desk, curling my hair.

"Ken's sister. She's lovely and all but.. she's a lot" I chuckled, placing down my curling irons, adjusting my curls and eyeing where to do next. Hannibal Swung his head back over at me for a moment, before hesitantly facing the mirror again.

"Ken?" He questioned, a little serious in his tone.

"Yeah. Just short for Kenny" I pointed out the obvious.
"I mean, I know you know that. It's not uh, it's not a nickname" I clarified, raising my hand up at him, which he noticed through the mirror. Once I finished my hair, I turned my body around the stool facing him.
"Is it too much?" I questioned him, adjusting some hair over my shoulder. He then turned over to me, his actions becoming more slowed, his eyes glaring me up and down which made me freeze - but in a good way.

"AHHH!" Mia screamed behind him, jumping up and down as she squealed like a school girl.
"Honestly, shag him!" She begged off me, clasping her hands up at me in a prayer.

"Its perfect" he mellowly spoke to me, giving me a sweet smile. I let out an anxious chuckle, taking steps over to him.
"You're perfect" he added on, eyeing my moves over to him. Once I stopped in front of him, I began finishing his tie off for him, he raised his head allowing me access.

"Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss" Mia chanted beside me, squealing. Once I finished his tie, I brushed his shoulders off and took a step back away from him.

"All done" I smiled. He bowed his head at me, raising his hands up at me as he took in my sight.

"You really do look perfect.. but" he then raised his fingers to his neck, signalling me I look bare on my chest. I peered down, seeing an empty space for a necklace.
"I caught onto this during our time shopping" he then walked over to the drawers, pulling out a jewelled box. The sight of it made me skip breaths, my eyes wide down.
"I knew it would go well" he promised me, opening up the box revealing the jewelled necklace, its shimmer in its eyes.

"Is that diamonds?" I gasped under my breath, covering my mouth with my palms.

"Only for the best" he cheered, signalling for me to turn around. I then spun myself around, gathering my hair and he placed the necklace over myself, his presence close behind me.

"Bend over, give him the signal" Mia cried again, however I closed my eyes to not see her.

"There" Hannibal spoke, removing his hands from me.


As we stepped out of the car, I noticed everyone all dressed up posh, lots of pipes, pocket watches, REAL  fur coats. I took in a deep, sharp breath which caught Hannibal's attention as he peered down at me.

"Calm yourself, dear" He whispered to me softly, weaving his arm through mine. I glanced up at him, seeing his soft eyes stare through mine.

"I don't usually..." I tried to speak, however I couldn't keep my breath steady. He gave my forearm a gentle squeeze, which calmed me. I pushed myself closer to his side, keeping his guard around me as we took our feet up the stairs.

Hannibal's POV

We took our seats to the opera. I adjusted my blazer on myself, spectating the golden interior design of the grand stage, it always give me a sense of satisfaction seeing the beautiful carved wood and stone.

"This is pretty" Grace leaned into my ear to whisper, I peered over at her, seeing the sparkle in her eyes. She's pretty, perfect even. I said it before, I'll say it again.

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