Part 11: News

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I barged open Mia's bathroom door with my shoulder, revealing her sat on the floor, her back pressed against the tiled walls tucked in the corner... unresponsive.

"No, no, no, no" I cried to myself, rushing to drop my knees in front of her. I cupped her face, shaking her violently but her head kept dropped.
"Mia, WAKE UP!" I screamed, shaking her again.

I sat on my couch, fiddling with my fingers as I aimlessly stared down at the floor, feeling the agents eyes look me up and down.

"I'm sorry, this must be a lot for you to hear" he spoke to me softly, noticing my fingers. I shook his sympathy away, biting my bottom lip. Why wasn't I crying? Yeah, sure I hated them but I didn't want them dead... what a shit show. I let my head drop, letting a deep sigh escape my lips.
"We found your mothers corpse..." he paused for a moment, collecting his words which only intrigued me.
"But we never found your fathers body" I raised my head up at him, pulling a puzzled look.

"You said they're both dead?" I reminded him, pointing a finger up at him. He nodded his head for a moment, calculating in his mind what to say next to me.

"Yes I did" he stuttered out. "But if the Chesapeake ripper did kill them... and it wasn't the copycat killer-"he went on to say but I spoke over.

"I've heard about this... on the news" I muttered to him, my mind exploding, my heart racing.

"We're doing best we can to find them but as I was saying... If the Chesapeake ripper did kill them, then your father is most likely dead" the way he spoke to me, was almost like a promise. An assuring promise. I could tell by the look in his eyes he was very serious. I gave a weak nod over at him, glancing between him and the clock... god, I have to tell Vinny and Clem...

"What happens now" I sighed to the agent, adjusting my fallen hair in front of my face. At first, the agent slanted his head at me mysteriously, pulling a confused look at me for a moment before washing it away.

"You're not hurt by this news?" He pondered to me, leaning closer to me, taking in the sight of any possible sweat forming on my forehead. However, I had nothing to hide. I adjusted my posture on my couch, shrugging a shoulder at him.

"You'd understand if you met them" I replied sternly, giving him a slight tone. Then, the agent retreated away from me and checked the time on his wrist.

"We would like your permission to look through your home. Narrow down any suspects, do you know if that had enemies?" He asked politely and I blurted out an arrogant scoff.

"Many" I told him, reaching into my pocket for my dads phone. I handed it over to him, revealing the messages on the phone. While the agent was scrolling through my fathers phone, his eyes became wider and wider seeing more and more of these threats.
"I hope it helps"

"It may. Thank you" he gave me a slight nod of appreciation over to me, slotting the phone into his blazer pocket before admiring my shit hole of a house - maybe now that they're gone, I could clean this mess up.
"So um... I have siblings" I spoke out, biting the inside of my cheek as I spoke out. The agent mumbled 'mhm' for me to continue. However, I was feeling some anxiety rub through me.
"Do I need to... take legal guardianship now that we're.. orphans?" I shook at the word 'orphans'. I never thought I say such a word about myself.

"I'd imagine so. That's not my department you see so-" he went on to say before I shook my head at him, sincerely.

"No I understand" I sighed. Suddenly, my front door opened up revealing the man in Hannibal's office, seeing me cause a scene. My eyes widened over at him, as he did with me as a froze for a moment. The agents eyes flashed between the man and I, his face looking more and more confused as he sensed the vibe. Then, Hannibal revealed himself from behind the man, his eyes landing right on me which suddenly gave me a rush of relief.

"I came as soon as I heard" The doctor promised me, taking big strides over to me, seating himself beside me. I flashed him a weak smile, before the agent spoke over.

"I'm sorry. I don't recall... you meeting my colleagues" Jack let out an awkward chuckle, shooting his eyes over at everyone in the house. However, the man with curled hair pushed his glasses up and he did small, subtle steps around my living room which only nerved me.

"Doctor Lecter's my..." I paused my words for a moment. Do I say therapist? They'll then think I'm crazy and take away Vincent and Clem and I can't let that happen.

"Therapist" Hannibal jumped into say. I slumped my shoulders at him, however he didn't notice since his eyes were glued on the agent, showing no emotion yet again.

"...right" the agent spoke awkwardly.
"And will?" He asked. So that's the man's name...

"We don't know each other" will said behind me, making me jump a little.

"I'm really sorry!" I jumped off my seat, catching everyone's eyes.
"I need to go get my sister from school. Take a look around if it helps but..." I went on to say don't go into my room but that'll seem strange to me.
"I don't know if it'll be much help. I've never let a serial killer into my home" I assured the crowd, however I only received unamused looks.

"Alright. Thank you" Jack stood up, holding his hand out for me to shake which I did.


"Hi, baby. How was school?" I asked Clem as she hauled her tiny body into the backseat, swinging her my little pony lunch box inside with her.

"Good" she chimed, clinking her seat belt. I peered into the rear view mirror, seeing her ponder out the car window, her innocence was something I wanted to protect but I now know that it's too much to ask for... thinking like that only saddened me even more. I pulled out the car parking spot, gripping onto the steering wheel taking in deep, subtle breaths before I said the news to her. As much as I wanted to scream it out. I couldn't. For now, I'll let it go.
"We learn about Martin Luther king" she spoke out. I gave her a little giggle, masking my anxiety while keeping my eyes on the road.

"Oh yea? What'd you learn?" I asked her, giving her a big smile in the mirror. Then, her smile subtly disappeared as she stared into the back of my seat.

"He died for our sins..." she spoke emotionlessly. I pulled a face at her, accidentally braking the car a little as I swung my head back at her.

"What?" I coughed out.

Hannibal's POV

I could hear footsteps run through graces home as the rest of the FBI department marched in, analysing everything they could. I however wanted to use my time onto something else, I want to know more about Grace as I know she's not told me half of her story and I may find a clue to Kenny's whereabouts. I gently closed her bedroom door behind me, seeing some clothes on the floor. I leaned down to pick up one of her clothing to see a bra in my hand, holding it by the strap, before I felt a little... creepy, so I placed it on her chair neatly. I then took easy steps over to her bed, getting onto my knees to pull out mias box. With caution, I placed it onto her bed and pulled off the lid. Inside, was what everyone would seem to be junk but in this box possesses more sentimental value for two peoples lifetime. I rummaged through, passing by the fixed ornaments by yours truly, until I found a Polaroid camera. I raised it into the air, feeling it's tacky plastic. Suddenly, a Polaroid photo fell onto the bed sheet, it's photo facing the covers instead of me. I picked it up, revealing a photo i wish I may have never discovered. It was a mirror photo of Grace and Kenny. She was topless, Kenny was behind her covering her breast from the camera with his hands. Although I felt a burning rage, I also felt a little jealousy.

"Hannibal" Jack called out from the room.

"In here, Jack" I called out, shoving the photo into my pocket. He then revealed himself from the door, his eyes landing on the box.

"Anything good?" He asked me, seeing the state of graces room while approaching me.

"I wish I could say so, however it seems like nothing to our value" I responded, going to close the box until jack pulled out the owl I fixed. He raised it into the air, seeing its glued cracks.

"Maybe it is. We should take it, bring it in for Katz and the team to run tests on" Jack instructed me, heading for the door with the owl still in his hands.

"I must intervene. This is nothing to our value" I repeated again, more sternly this time. He stopped in his tracks, turning his head over at me with an eyebrow raised.
"This is Graces property, we mustn't be rude"

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